OEM Parts
OEM is an abbreviation meaning Original Equipment Manufacture (aka real parts). My aim is to use OEM components wherever possible.
An advantage in simulating a Boeing aircraft is that many components used in the classics (1), especially the 737-400 and 737-500 are identical to those found in the Next Generation airframe. Sometimes there are subtle differences in appearance, but more often than not the difference is in the internal electronics. All components between the 600, 700, 800 and 900 Next Generation are identical.
The Next Generation (NG) refers to the 737-600, 737-700, 737-800 and 737-900 aircraft.
The below list is an inventory of OEM parts currently used in the simulator. The list will be regularly updated as parts become available.
(1): Classics (CL) 737-100 through 737-500.
Flight Controls
737-500 Throttle Quadrant (converted to NG style with full automation)
737-500 Yokes and Columns (linked) including: electric trim switches, & chart plates (identical to NG after chart transfer change)
737-500 Trip Indicator (identical to NG)
737-400 Steering Tiller (identical to NG)
737-400 Rudder Pedals (pedals identical to NG)
Center Pedestal
737-500 Three-bay Center Pedestal (DZUS compliant)
737-500 Telephone and Microphone
737-600 Fire Suppression Panel
737-800 Flood and Panel Lights panel
Airline style head set
737 Blanking plates & DZUS fasteners
737-500 Audio Control Panel (ACP/ASP) units (2)
737-800 Cabin Phone Communications panel
737 Radar panel (early 737-400 style until late style becomes available)
737-800 EVAC panel (residing in pedestal until overhead is operational)
737-800 Aural Warning Module
737-800 Transducer Module
737 SelCal/PA Module (not NG)
737-700 Rudder Trim Panel
Main Instrument Panel (MIP) (these items are installed on a FDS skeleton MIP)
737-600 Auto Brake Rotary assembly
737-800 Flaps gauge
737-500 Landing Gear lever mechanism and handle (identical to NG as knob was replaced with smaller NG style knob)
737-400 Brake Pressure gauge (retrofit until OEM gauge becomes available)
737-800 Fuel Flow, Fuel Used/Reset toggle switch
737-800 Three way Lights Test/BRT/DIM toggle switch
737-600 System Annunciator buttons - Master Caution & Fire Warning Annunciators
737-600 System Annunciators (six packs)
737-500 Yaw Dampener (YD) gauge (identical to NG)
737-600 Stick Shaker
737-600 Annunciators (Korrys) for MIP (complete replacement of all reproduction annunciators)
737-600 Glideslope Inhibit Korry
737-600 Stab Out-of-Trim button
737-800 Autoflight Status Annunciator (AFDS) Captain & First Officer side
737-600 CDU/FMC units (awaiting conversion after successful build of 737-500 CDU units)
737-800 RMI knobs
737-800 Standby Instrument Panel
737-800 Captain-side DU Panel
737-800 First Officer side DU Panel
737-800 Captain-side Chronograph Panel
737-800 First Officer side Chronograph Panel
737-800 Landing Gear Panel
737-800 General Purpose Knobs (GPK)
737-500 Forward Overhead Panel (frame with DZUS rails, light switches, Cole switches & some modules) - Identical frame to NG, but some panels differ and will be replaced with NG panels
737-500 Aft Overhead Panel (frame only with DZUS rails) - Identical frame to NG
737 Overhead engine starter switches (Cole switches)
737 Overhead light switches and toggles - landing light toggle bars (forward overhead)
737-600 overhead map lights
737-600 EVAC panel (aft overhead)
737 Valve Pressure gauge (forward overhead)
737 Oxygen gauge (forward overhead)
737-500 Fuel Flow Cross Feed switch and knob (identical to NG, forward overhead)
737-500 Generator 3-way push/pull toggles (identical to NG)
737 Honeywell overhead switches & toggles (identical to NG)
737 Fuel System Control Module Assembly (many parts identical to NG)
737-500 Stand-by compass (identical to NG)
737-800 IRS panel and switches
737-800 ICDU Panel
737-800 overhead eyebrows (HUD compliant)
737-800 overhead linings
Weber cockpit seats (Captain & First Officer)
Weber cockpit seat arm-rest covers
737-500 Rudder Hand Crank mechanism (identical to NG)
737-500 Circuit Breaker horseshoe type for rudder assembly (identical to NG, but circuits located in different positions)