The System Interface Module (SIM) provides platform to house the interface cards belonging to other systems not included in the throttle quadrant or forward and aft overhead; for example, the korrys that are used in the Main Instrument Panel (MIP), the landing gear lever, and some the avionics located within the center pedestal.
The System Interface Module, if necessary, can be expanded to by adding additional modules (SIM-1, SIM-2 and so forth).
The SIM is not connected to any other module. It is a standalone module.
System Interface Module (SIM) showing fans and D-Sub connectors
Design and Construction
The SIM is designed along the same theme as the Throttle Interface Module (TIM). The module is constructed from ABS plastic that has been heat welded to ensure strength and longevity; two twin 12 Volt brushless fans provide cooling along with two brushless fans located either side of the module.
Because the module has a smaller footprint than the TIM, a hinged upper lid is not required; the upper lid is secured to the module body by four thumb screws.
To improve accessibility to the interface cards and wiring, the module has been designed to allow maximum use of ‘white space’. Likewise, each interface card is mounted on an ABS raised platform ('oil rig') which affords greater depth facilitating easier wire and card accessibility and management. All wires are colour coded, have labels attached, and where possible, ferrules have been used to connect the wires to the interface cards. Like-minded wires navigate to a dedicated VGA or serial port connectors (D-Sub connectors) which are securely attached to the end firewall of the module.
Five straight-through cables connect to the SIM; each cable corresponding to a particular OEM part or aircraft system.
To avoid the possibility of dislodgement, the straight-through cables have end screws that allow each cable to be securely attached to the appropriate D-Sub connector. Each straight-through cable either connects to an OEM part, such as the radar panel, or to a terminal block mounted on a L bracket, that then directs wires to various Canon plugs, etc.
A single USB connection connects the SIM to the computer. To facilitate the one USB philosophy, a powered Belkin hub is mounted within the module.
System Interface Module (SIM) with upper lid removed. Additional 'white space' around interface cards enables easier access to cards and wiring
Power Requirements
The SIM, due to its varied functionality requires five voltages: 5, 6, 12 and 28 Volts.
5 Volts enables the incandescent backlighting to operate in the OEM gauges (flaps, yaw damper and brake pressure gauge). 6 Volts powers the Belkin hub, whilst 12 and 28 Volts provide the power to the landing gear solenoid/relay and incandescent bulbs used in in the annunciators (korrys) located in the MIP.
To facilitate the multi-voltage requirement, a power plug has been fabricated and is secured by two screws to the opposite side of firewall that the straight-through cables are connected. The multi-voltage wires from the power plug then navigate to a terminal block (installed in a small box outside of the module). The terminal block acts as a terminus to the connection with whatever voltage power supply is needed (located in the Power Supply Rack (PSR).
The main reason for using a terminal block was convenience and safety. If a specific voltage needs to be shutoff for whatever reason, it's straightforward to disconnect the power wire, specific to the voltage, from the terminal block, rather than 'mess about' behind the power supplies which also generate 240 volts.
As with all the interface modules, the SIM has been designed for easy removal to a work bench for servicing or troubleshooting.
Interface Cards and Integral Components
The SIM accommodates several interface cards and relays to provide functionality to the following components:
Phidget 0/16/16 Interface Kit card – OEM annunciators (korrys) on Main Instrument Panel (MIP)
Phidget 0/0/4 Interface Kit card – Aural Warning Module (AWM)
PoKeys 55 interface card – Radar, Standy RMI gauge and accessory outputs (if required)
Pokeys 55 Joystick card – Radar module and auxiliary PoKeys connection (expansion)
5, 12 and 28 Volt busbars – As required
Relays – Landing gear mechanism solenoid
Belkin hub – One USB cable philosophy
MinMax MDW DC converter – OEM yaw dampener and brakes pressure gauge
Important Note:
The PoKeys 55 card has been configured to be a joystick card in addition to a standard PoKeys card.
The System Interface Module does not incorporate an Interface Alert System (IAS) as it's not necessary.
Location of Module
The module is mounted on a small three-shelf bench that is located forward of the Main Instrument Panel on the First Officer side. The bench is large enough to adequately store several interface modules while allowing accessibility.
Additional photographs can be found in the Picture Gallery.
Updated 03 February 2024.