Our Homes Are Gone - Please Help Australian Wildlife Bounce Back (Australian Bush Fires)
"Our Homes Are GONE" It's as simple as that...
Many of us are dead, burned beyond recognition. Others are thirsty and hungry as they have NO food or water, and then there are those who are injured. The Australian bush fires are still burning...
We need YOUR help so that wildlife rescuers, carers and animal hospitals Australia-wide have enough resources to care for US.
The Fire Authorities have been given millions of dollars, but the people that help US still have very little.
Some of US are still here, some are injured, and some need of life saving drugs. But the carers need to find us and that takes time, energy and MONEY. The money pays for veterarians, it pays for petrol, it pays for drugs and other medical supplies.
Unfortunately some of us are now EXTINCT...
But there is HOPE for those remaining. Please HELP US, as we have no voice and cannot ask for help.
Please make a donation to a wildlife charity. The below links will take you to three on the ground charities that are helping us right NOW.
For those of you who are unaware, here are some recent Australian news articles (or google Australia, fire, wildlife):
Thank you
This site receives roughly 95,000 individual visits (hits) on most months. If everyone gave $1.00, then this amounts to $95,000 towards helping Australian wildlife.
I realize this is an aviation website, however, as an Australian, I am very connected with our unique wildlife. As such, considering the magnitude of the destruction, I feel compelled to try and help. I don't think one non aviation post is a problem.
This is very heart breaking and I hope some of you can help. Thank You, WilloW