RMI Knobs Installed to Main Instrument Panel (MIP)
/oem rmi knobs
Following on with the theme from my last post, I have replaced the two tear-drop style RMI knobs supplied by Flight Deck Solutions on their Main Instrument Panel with two replacement knobs.
The replacement knobs are highly detailed reproductions of the original 737-800 RMI knobs. I would like to have used genuine knobs; however, as they are usually attached to an RMI gauge, finding the knobs alone at a reasonable price would be a difficult if not an impossible task.
The knobs have been individually sculptured using clear ABS plastic while the front plate is made from clear acrylic. The knobs are painted in the correct Boeing grey colour and the black and white stenciling applied directly to the front of the knob. The knobs can be easily backlit using an LED, although I have yet to do this. The sizing of the knobs can be determined from information supplied by EHC Knobs located in Farmingdale, New York.
Looking Pretty.....
At the moment the knobs have not been interfaced and just sit there looking pretty.
In the future, I may interface the knobs by installing micro-buttons and/or a micro- rotary behind each knob. The knobs will then be connected to an interface card. However, at the minimum this requires cutting the MIP to create additional space for the location of the micro-switches – something that at the moment I do not want to contemplate. If given a choice, procuring a genuine OEM RMI gauge would be my preferred option.
In the interim, the RMI Switch Assembly panel discussed in my earlier post will suffice.
The reproduction RMI knobs have now been replaced with OEM knobs from a 737-800.
MIP – Main Instrument Panel
RMI – Radio Magnetic Indicator. The gauge that displays VOR and ADF mode. Part of B737 NG stand-by instrument cluster