Using OEM Panels in the MIP

OEM Captain-side DU panel.  Note the thick engraving and specialist DZUS fasteners

The introduction of the Boeing 737 Max has meant that many carriers are updating their fleets and retiring earlier production 737 NG airframes.  This has flow on benefits for flight simulator enthusiasts, because more and more OEM NG parts are becoming available due to NG airframes being stripped down and recycled.  

Although some items, such as high-end avionics are priced outside the realm of the average individual, many other parts have become reasonably priced and are often a similar price to the equivalent reproduction part.

This article primarily relates to the panels used in the Main Instrument Panel (MIP), and lower kick stand.  The term panel means the aluminum plate that is secured to the framework of the MIP, and lightplate refers to the engraved plate that is secured to the panel.

Do You Notice The Difference

This is a common question.  The resounding answer is yes – the difference between OEM and reproduction parts can be noticed, especially if you compare the identical parts side by side.  This said, some high-end companies manufacturer panels that are almost indiscernible from the OEM panel.  These panels are bespoke, expensive, and usually are only made to a custom order.  Therefore, it really depends on which manufacturer/company you are comparing the OEM panel against.

Close up detail of OEM lightplate and general purpose knobs

By far the biggest difference between an OEM and reproduction panel, other than appearance, is the tactile feel of a knob, the overall robustness of the panel, and the firmness felt when rotating a commercial-grade switch; the later feels very accurate in its movement. 

There is litle compromise with backlighting as an OEM panel has a consistent colour temperature and intensity without hot and cold spots.  

Using a real panel helps to provide immersion and, as your're using a real aircraft part there is no second-guessing whether the panel is an accurate copy; using an OEM panel is literally 'as real as it gets'.  Furthermore, it’s  environmentally friendly to use second hand parts.  New parts (reproduction or otherwise) are made from  finite resources. 


Not every OEM part can work in a home simulator.  For example, the OEM potentiometer responsible for the dimming function in the lower kickstand DU panels cannot be used.  This is because Boeing use a rheostat instead of a potentiometer.  Without going into detail, a rheostat is designed to take into account 115 volts AC commonly used in aircraft.  If using these panels. you will need to change the rheostat to a high-end commercial potentiometer.  

Table 1 outlines 'some' of the main differences between the OEM panels and their reproduction equivalents.

Table 1:  Main differences between OEM and reproduction panels (MIP only).

The information presented in the above table, should not be taken in a way that reflects poorly on the manufacturer of reproduction panels.  There are a few high-end companies whose panels are indiscernible from the real item; it’s the purchaser’s knowledge and the manufacturer’s skill that will define whether a reproduction panel replicates the real item.  ‘Caveat Emptor’should always be at the forefront of any purchase decision.

Potential Problems Using OEM Panels in the MIP

Potential problems often surface when attempting to mate OEM parts to the framework of the MIP.  This is because reproduction MIPs rarely echo the identical dimensions of their OEM counterpart. 

OEM Stand-by instrument panel. Although difficult to see from a picture, the overall robustness of this panel surpasses all but the very best reproductions

It's not possible to document every potential problem, as all reproduction MIPs are slightly different to each other.  However, some issues encountered may be the misalignment of screw holes between the MIP framework and the OEM panel, the inability to use the panel's DZUS fasteners, the panel being too large or too small for the MIP in question, or the open framework structure at the rear of the panel (which incorporates the wiring lume and Canon plugs) interfering with the infrastructure of the reproduction MIP, or the mounting of the computer screens.

In general, OEM panels cannot be mounted to a reproduction MIP without major work being done to the framework of the MIP.   The solution is to use a MIP that has been designed 1:1 with the OEM MIP, or fabricate a MIP in-house to the correct dimensions.

Specifics to the FDS MIP

The MIP used in the simulator is manufactured by Flight Deck Solutions (FDS), and although the MIP is made to a very high quality, the dimensions of the MIP are not 1:1. 

The most problematic issue is that the MIP length is slightly too narrow to enable the OEM panels to be fit correctly to the front of the framework.  For example, the OEM chronograph panel is 1 cm wider than the FDS chronograph panel.  Furthermore, most of the OEM panels (such as the standby instrument, chronograph and landing gear panel) measure 130 mm in height as opposed to the FDS panels that measure 125 mm in height.  This causes problems when trying to line up the bottom of each panel with the bottom of the display bezels. 

The standby instrument panel does fit, however, there is a few centimeters of space between the panel and the adjacent display bezel frame.  In the real aircraft, the display bezel and the edge of the standby instrument panel almost abut one another.  The autobrake panel does fit as do the lower kickstand panels.

FDS use screws to attach their panels to the upper MIP framework, however, OEM panels use DZUS fasteners.  The screw holes on the FDS MIP do not align with the position of the DZUS fasteners in the OEM panel.  The lower MIP panel (kickstand) in the real aircraft also incorporates a DZUS rail to which the panels are attached.  The FDS kickstand does not use a DZUS rail, and screws or reproduction DZUS fasteners are needed to secure the OEM kickstand panels.

The above said, FDS does not state that their MIP is I:1, and when asked will will inform you that OEM panels will not fit their products without considerable fabrication.

DZUS fastener that secures DU panel to the MIP framework

Specialist DZUS Fasteners

The OEM panels used in the upper MIP incorporate into the panel a specialist DZUS fastener.  This fastener is used to tightly secure the panel to the framework of the MIP; screws are not used.  Screws are only used to secure the lightplate to the panel. 

The DZUS fastener is shaped differently to the fasteners used to secure the panels located in the lower kickstand, overhead and center pedestal, and these parts are not interchangeable. 

Reproductions rarely replicate these DZUS fasteners.  However, like many things it's often the small things that make a difference (at least aesthetically).

Rear of OEM Captain-side DU panel.   Note heavy duty rotary switches (Cole & Jaycor brand), neat and sturdy wiring lume, and easy connect Canon plug.  The use of the correct bracket in the panel enables the AFDS unit to fit snugly to the panel.  Note the depth of the external frame which can cause placement issues

Advantages Using OEM Wiring Lume and Canon Plugs

A major plus using any OEM panel is that the part usually includes an expertly-made wiring lume that terminates at Canon plug.    If possible, the original wiring lume should be kept intact and additional wiring should be done from the Canon plug.  It’s very difficult to duplicate the same level of workmanship that Boeing has done in relation to the wiring.  Furthermore, the wire that has been used is high-end aviation grade wire.

OEM landing gear panel. Like any OEM part, the neatness in relation to the wiring is immaculate.  A Canon plug enables the panel to be connected to a lume which then connects with whatever interface card is in use

The Canon plug deserves further mention, as the use of a Canon plug (or any connector for that matter) enables you to easily remove the panel for service work should this be required.  If at all possible, the original Canon plug (and wiring) should be used because it’s neat and tidy and ensures a good connection.  However, if the correct Canon plug cannot be procured then a reproduction plug should be fabricated.  There is nothing worse than having to disconnect wires from an interface card to remove a part.

Configuring an OEM Panel

Configuring an OEM panel to use in flight simulator depends on which panel you are referring to. 

Panels with knobs, toggles and switches are relatively straightforward to interface with a respective interface card (Phidget card, PoKeys card, FDS SYS card or similar).  Determining the pinouts on the Canon plug that control backlighting requires the use of a multimeter, and then connection to a 5 volt power supply.  If the panel includes annunciators (korrys), then these will need to be connected to a 28 volt power supply (using the correct pinouts).

Technology is rarely static, and there are other ways to interface and configure OEM panels.  The ARINC 429 protocol is becomminginceasingly common to use along with specialist interface cards, and these will be discussed in separate articles.

Rear of DU panel showing korry connections and AFDS bracket

The Future

The FDSMIP can, with some work, be modified to mount the OEM panels.  However, an easier option is to find another MIP that has been designed to mount the panels, or fabricate a MIP in-house to OEM dimensions.

Final Call

Aesthetically, nothing beats the use of an OEM panel, and the panels used in the upper MIP and lower kickstand offer little comparison to their reproduction equivalents, with possible exception to bespoke reproductions. By far the biggest challenge is determining the pin-outs for the Canon plug, but once known, configuration using a Phidget or other traditional card is relatively straightforward. 

As straightforward as it may seem, potential problems surface when attempting to mate OEM panels to an existing reproduction MIP.  To resolve these issues, often a replacement MIP is needed that has been made to the identical dimensions of the OEM counterpart.

Additional Information

The following articles may provide further information in relation to using OEM parts.


  • ARINC 429 - Aircraft communication protocol

  • DU - Display Unit

  • Lume - A harness that holds several wires in a neat way

  • OEM - Original Equipment Manufacturer

  • MIP - Main Instrument Panel

Adding Liveries to ProSim737 Flight Model

The livery for the JALTRANSOCEAN Air, which depicts a whale shark is spectacular.  Why would you not want to use liveries when some look like this.  The whale shark inhabits the waters that this particular airline fly to (southern Japan) (lasta29, Japan Transocean Air, B737-400, JA8992 (18266031709), CC BY 2.0)

Flight simulator enthusiasts enjoy flying the livery of their choice, whether it be a cargo carrier such as FedEX, or a livery from one of the many passenger airlines that fly the Boeing 737 airframe.  

Airlines have unique liveries that identify the carrier.  Often the design is specific to the country or to a particular motif unique to the airlines.  For example, QANTAS depicts a red kangaroo on its tail and Aeroflot always depicts the Russian flag on its tail wing.  Some liveries relate to airline branding, others can be nationalistic (those carrying flags on their tail wings), and others can be just for fun - such as Taiwanese airline's Eva Air 'Hello Kitty' livery.  Wikipedia has an interesting list of airlines that have liveries that relate floral emblems, animals, flags and the like.

Some software companies, for example PMDG, have developed livery add-ons that can be installed by a self-extraditable .exe file;  it’s only a matter of clicking the .exe file and following the prompts, and the information, textures and changes are automatically installed behind the scenes by the software.  

The ProSim737 flight model (developed by ProSim-AR) does not at the time of writing provide a self-executable file for add-on liveries; users must install liveries manually.  Thankfully, the steps to install a livery are generic, and have been more or less the same since FS9 and FSX.

This article will primarily address how to install an aircraft livery to the main aircraft folder in ProSim737 using Prepar3D (P3D). 

The process is very similar in MSFS-2020, however, a with a few extra steps will need to be taken (see later in article).

Important Points:

  • As of March 2020 there are a several different versions of the ProSim737 flight model, each generating a different folder name and a slightly different naming profile in the aircraft section in the aircraft.cfg.

  • Take note that liveries used in Version 2 visual models are not compatible with the Version 3 visual model. Check the livery information to ensure you are using a compatible livery for the flight model being used.

  • Note that older liveries use a different method to create the textures (not PBR) and will display with slightly less detail.


Before proceeding with any amendment to the aircraft folder, make a backup of the ProSim737 aircraft folder BEFORE making changes.  It’s also wise to copy the default aircraft configuration file.  This can easily be done by right-clicking the file and saving as a copy.  The copy can reside in the same folder, as it will have the word ‘copy’ annotated to the file name.

It’s good policy to do this just in case a problem is experienced.   If a problem presents itself, it’s an easy matter of deleting the aircraft folder and replacing it with the original, or replacing the aircraft configuration file.

The Basics

We are interested in three components:  

(i)      The ProSim737 default aircraft folder;

(ii)     The add-on livery texture folder; and,

(iii)    The aircraft configuration file (aircraft.cfg).

Note that the default ProSim737 aircraft is installed via a self-executable file that installs the default 738 aircraft to the correct folder.

File and Folder Structure

The ProSim737 aircraft software installs the aircraft to the following folder: D://Documents/Prepar3D V4 Add Ons/ProSim-AR/Simobjects/Airplanes/ProSim737-800-2018 Professional

Important Points:

  • D:// may differ.  It depends upon what drive you installed ProSim-AR and whatever flight simulator platform you use.

  • The aircraft folder name may be different as this relates to what ProSim-AR call their newer released flight models).

One interesting livery is British Airways (BA).  All BA aircraft depict the Union Jack on their tail.  In the 18th Century, England had colonies throughout the world and it was often stated that ‘the sun never set on the Union Jack’.  With the loss of her colonies the sun definitely now sets on the Union Jack, however, it probably never sets on British Airways as there is always a BA aircraft somewhere in the world (Andrew Thomas from Shrewsbury, UK, G-DOCT Boeing 737-436 (cn 25853 2409) British Airways. (7610860068), CC BY-SA 2.0)

This folder falls outside the main P3D folder architecture, however, various files are automatically linked to P3D so they aircraft can be flown and seen in the game.  In my setup I have two drives, which is why the Prepar3D folder is located on D Drive rather than C Drive.  Your drive may feature a different drive letter.

Livery Texture Folder

An add-on livery is usually downloaded from the Internet in zip file format.  Once the zip file is extracted, you will see a number of folders and files.  At the very least there will be a texture folder, in which is stored the various bitmaps and images necessary to amend the default aircraft with that livery.   There may also be a thumbnail image of the livery and a ‘read_me’ file.

The ‘read_me’ file is important, as this often will contain the correct edits for the livery that need to be added to the aircraft configuration file.

Non-mipped Images

The developer of the livery may also have included additional folders such as non-mipped images.  Opening this folder will reveal an alternate texture folder.  

Textures developed from non-mipped images are displayed differently by P3D and often provide slightly better detail that standard textures.  This may be advantageous if you often zoom into the aircraft to view close-up detail.  There are many variables that affect the appearance of non-mipped textures, including graphic card settings, computer specifications, and P3D settings.  For most users, the use of non-mipped textures in not necessary.  However, ‘horses for courses’, so test and choose whatever is appropriate to your circumstances.  


Mip mapping can be a confusing topic (the naming itself causing confusion). 

Basically, textures are created using one of two methods which generate textures that have been either mip-mapped or non mip-mapped.

With regard to the ProSim aircraft, the mip-mapped textures will always give you better performance, but less visible detail, whereas non mip-mapped textures will be sharper, crisper but will require more resources from your graphics processing unit (GPU).

Important P3D Settings

If using P3D and wanting to take full advantage of mip mapping (mip-maps), it is important to understand that mip-map textures are defined by the slider settings in P3D. 

The Texture Resolution setting in P3D has the most impact on how mip-map textures are displayed.  The maximum slider value is 4096x4096.  However, if the setting is set to a lower value (for example, 2048x2048), the highest resolution displayed will be that value (2048x2048).  If the aircraft texture us made from bitmaps that are 4096x4096, the 2048 setting will not enable the full resolution of the original bitmap to be seen; you will only see a second-order textures (textures at a lower resolution with less detail).

The same principle relates to the Texture Resolution slider setting that controls the vector-based scenery which simply regulates the largest mip-map to be called and displayed.

Another often forgotten variable, that can impact on both mip-maps and non mip-maps is the overall resolution the screen(s) being used.  A higher resolution screen will always display a better quality image irrespective of the mip-maps used.

Concerning frames rates (FPS).  Mip mapping has very little effect on frame rates.  However, using mip-maps will definitely ease and free up resources on the GPU.  Interestingly, this is in contrast to sceneries which can decrease frame rates considerably dependent upon the mip-mapping that has been used to create the scenery textures.  This is because the mapping affects a large area, whereby the mapping in the aircraft is minimal in comparison.

The Anti-liaising settings (AA settings) used in P3D can also have a marginal affect of how mip and non mip-mapped textures display.

Aircraft Configuration File

The aircraft configuration file is important as it contains, amongst other things, the necessary instructions to display whatever aircraft has been selected from the P3D aircraft list.  

The configuration file is set out logically with higher-level entries (top of page) identifying the various liveries that have been included in the main ProSim737 aircraft folder.  By default, the ProSim737 flight model installs a number of liveries to the aircraft folder and automatically amends the entries in the configuration file.

In the example below taken from the aircraft configuration file, the text that relates to the aircraft livery.  Bolded sections need to be edited for each livery.  If using the 2020 Version 3.42 flight model and Verson 1.55 visual model  see entries in blue (different folder naming).

  • [fltsim.XX]

  • title=Prosim_AR_737_800_PRO_2018_Virgin_Australia

  • sim=Prosim738_Pro

  • model=

  • panel=

  • sound=

  • //sound=cockpit

  • texture=VIRGIN

  • atc_heavy=0

  • atc_flight_number=209

  • atc_airline=Velocity

  • atc_model=737-800

  • atc_parking_types=GATE,RAMP

  • atc_parking_codes=VOZ

  • ui_manufacturer="Prosim_AR"

  • ui_createdby="ProSim-AR"

  • ui_type="737-800"

  • ui_variation="PROSIM_AR_Pro_2018_Virgin_Australia"

  • ui_typerole="Commercial Airliner"

  • atc_id=PS209

  • visual_damage=0


  • [fltsim.XX]

  • title=ProsimB738 PBR 2020 - Japan Airlines

  • sim=Prosim738_Pro

  • model=

  • panel=

  • sound=

  • texture=Japan Airlines

  • atc_heavy=0

  • atc_flight_number=887

  • atc_airline=ALL NIPPON

  • atc_model=737-800

  • atc_parking_types=GATE,RAMP

  • atc_parking_codes=JAL

  • ui_manufacturer="Prosim_AR"

  • ui_createdby="ProSim-AR"

  • ui_type="737-800"

  • ui_variation="ProsimB738 2020 Japan Airlines Livery"

  • ui_typerole="Commercial Airliner"

  • atc_id=PS209

  • visual_damage=0

Installing Textures to ProSim737 Aircraft

A: Copy the aircraft texture folder for the livery (from the download) and paste the folder into the ProSim737-800-2018 Professional folder located in simobjects/airplanes.

B: Open the aircraft configuration file (for editing). This file is located in the main aircraft folder.  Make sure you back-up this file or copy it BEFORE making changes.  This will enable to you to revert to the original file if a mistake is made.

C: Copy the aircraft details from the downloaded 'read_me' file and add them to the configuration file.  The correct place to add the details is below the last aircraft listed.  If the ‘read_me’ file does not have this information, then it will be necessary to add the information yourself.

By far the easiest method to do this is to copy/paste the last aircraft listing, and then re-name the segments accordingly.  In the example above, I have bolded the sections that need to be edited.

The most important edits are the texture= ?, title= ? and ui_variation= ?. These three entries directly influence whether you will see the livery in the P3D aircraft list and in the game.  It’s very important that the texture= ? be the exact name of the texture file in the aircraft folder; your livery will not be able to be seen if this is not done.  In some instances, the name of the texture folder may be an airline’s name ( or a three letter aircraft code such as texture.ual (United Airlines).  

D: The FLTSIM number also needs to be edited to reflect the correct sequence order in the configuration file. Make sure each aircraft has a sequential number. If you have three aircraft liveries, the files will be [fltsim.01], [fltsim.02], [fltsim.03].  Be especially vigilant to copy all brackets, equal signs and commas (syntax) as these are necessary to see your aircraft in P3D.

Problems and Troubleshooting

One indication that there is a problem with a livery is when the aircraft livery in question is coloured hot pink or has a checkered design. This can be caused by an incorrectly named texture file. At other times, the livery may not be visible in the P3D aircraft folder.

By far the easiest way to troubleshoot a problem, such as the aircraft not being visible in the P3D aircraft folder, is to delete the aircraft configuration file and reinstall the original backed up file.  Then redo your work ensuring there are no mistakes.  If your mistakes relate to the actual texture folders, then delete the complete folder and reinstall the original backed up folder and start again.  Most problems relate to typo errors such as forgetting to include the correct syntax (punctuation marks).

If using MSFS-2020 and the livery is not visible in the aircraft folder, the most likely reason is failure to update the layout.json file (see later)/

Screen capture showing the P3D aircraft selection folder.  Note the ‘show only favourites’ star, which when selected, will cause that livery to be displayed in the list at the expense of liveries not selected by the star.  Also, note the additional identifier in the vehicle type column (737-800 CARGO)

Setting Up the P3D Aircraft Folder for Ease of Use (favourites and type)

When you open P3D to select an aircraft, a graphical user interface (GUI) screen displays  the aircraft and liveries that are installed to the aircraft folder. 

This list can be long and unwieldy to navigate with the mouse, not to mention time consuming - you want to be able to identify your 738 liveries quickly and not wade through several versions of the aircraft you do not use.  To prune the number of aircraft you need to sort through, you can delete the unwanted aircraft from the aircraft folder, however, an easier method is to use the favourite functionality.

Select the favourite star for those aircraft/liveries you want to be see displayed in the aircraft list.   Once an aircraft /livery has been allocated as a favourite, it will always be displayed in the list, while those aircraft not ‘starred’ will not be displayed.  

If you have both cargo and passenger aircraft (or military versions of the B737), you may also want to segregate these aircraft by type.  This makes it easier to find a particular aircraft type.   This can easily be done by editing the title= ? and the ui_type= ? for that aircraft in the aircraft configuration file.  

In the example below the aircraft type has been edited to reflect a cargo aircraft (Aloha Air Cargo).  Editing the title is obvious as this changes the name in the P3D aircraft list.  However, editing the ui_type= ? enables you to change the aircraft type.  In the example below, I have included the word CARGO to differentiate cargo liveries from passenger liveries.  I have bolded the entries that need altering.

  • [fltsim.XX]

  • title=Prosim_AR_737_800_PRO_2018_Aloha_Air_Cargo

  • sim=Prosim738_Pro

  • model=

  • panel=

  • sound=

  • //sound=cockpit

  • texture=AAH

  • atc_heavy=0

  • atc_flight_number=211

  • atc_airline=Aloha

  • atc_model=737-800

  • atc_parking_types=GATE,RAMP

  • atc_parking_codes=AF

  • ui_manufacturer="Prosim_AR 2018"

  • ui_createdby="ProSim-AR"

  • ui_type="737-800 CARGO"

  • ui_variation="PROSIM_AR_Pro_2018_Aloha_Air_Cargo"

  • ui_typerole="Commercial Airliner"

  • atc_id=PS211

  • visual_damage=0


In general installing liveries in MSFS-2020 is as described above, however, there is one very important step that must be done to ensure the livery is visible - update the layout.json file after the livery has been installed, and then restart the simulator.

Layout.json File

MSFS uses layout.json files to record various changes made to the simulator.  Following any change to a file, the layout.json file must be updated.  Failure to do so will result in the changes not being implemented.   The layout.json file is located in the ProSim737 flight model folder (Aircraft\prosim-B738-v2023).

If you open the layout.json file (use any text editor such as notepad) you will observe that there are entries that refer to the default sound.  These entries must be edited to reflect the name of the audio files you have added.  As you can image, this process can be quite a chore, not too mention there is a strong possibility of making a typographical error.  Fortunately, there is a utility, called a generator file, that can be used to automate this process.

MSFS Layout Generator.exe File

The Layout Generator.exe file is a very handy utility that makes updating any layout.json file very easy.  The utility is a standalone program that can reside anywhere on your computer.  I keep a copy on my desktop.

After downloading the MSFS Layout Generator from the developer, open the file folder and you will see a file called Generator.exe.  Click and drag the layout.json file directly over the Layout Generator.exe icon.  As you drop the file onto the layout generator a  black-coloured pop-up screen will be briefly displayed.  That’s it – the layout.json file will now be updated to reflect any changes.

Important Points:

  • The layout.json file will need to be updated whenever a livery is added. 

  • The layout.json file will only update after MSFS has been restarted.

Livery List

Liveries for the Version 3 flight model can be downloaded from the ProSim-AR forum.

I also have a small collection of ProSim737 Version 3 liveries in the file download section.

Final Call

Adding various liveries can be fun and adds a element of realism, especially if you fly in different regions and enjoy looking at the aircraft, or are a videographer that creates flight simulator videos.   Paring down the aircraft list in P3D to display only the aircraft and liveries you want to see, and then segregating aircraft based on type, can save considerable time and mouse use.

The livery for JAL Transocean Air – another viewpoint.  Japan is one of my favourite regions to fly in.

  • Updated March 2020

  • Updated August 2024 (added MSFS-2020 section)

String Potentiometers - Are They Worthwhile

Custom-made box housing Bourns 3500-3501 rotary potentiometer.  Note cable, dog lead clip, and JR Servo connection wires

A flight simulator enables us to fly a virtual aircraft in an endless number of differing scenarios.  The accuracy of the flight controls, especially when the aircraft is flown manually (hand flown) comes down to how well the aircraft’s flight controls are calibrated, and what type of potentiometer is being used to enable each control surface to be calibrated.

This article will examine the most common potentiometers used.  It will also outline the advantages in using string potentiometers in contrast to inexpensive linear and rotary potentiometers.

What is a Potentiometer

A potentiometer (pot for short) is a small sized electronic component (variable resister) whose resistance can be adjusted manually, either by increasing or decreasing the amount of current flowing in a circuit.

The most important part of the potentiometer is the conductive/resistance layer that is attached (printed) on what is called the phenolic strip. This layer of material, often called a track, is usually made from carbon, but can be made from ceramic, conductive plastic, wire, or a composite material.  

The phenolic strip has two metal ends that connect with the three connectors on the potentiometer.  It’s these connectors that the wires from a control device are soldered to.  The strip has a wiper-style mechanism (called a slider) that slides along the surface of the track and connects with two of the potentiometer’s connectors. 

The strip enables the potentiometer to transport current into the circuit in accordance with the resistance as set by the position of the potentiometer on the phenolic strip. 

As the potentiometer moves from one position to another, the slider moves across the carbon layer printed to the phenolic strip.  The movement alters the current (electrical signal) which is read by the calibration software.

Inexpensive rotary potentiometer.  This pot previously controlled the calibration of the ailerons.  The pot was inserted into the base of the control column (removed for picture) and held in place by the fabricated bracket.  It worked, but accurate calibration was time consuming

Types of Potentiometers (linear, rotary and string)

Potentiometers are used in a number of industries including manufacturing, robotics, aerospace and medical.  Basically, a potentiometer is used whenever the movement of a part needs to be accurately calibrated. 

For the most part, flight simulators use adjustable type potentiometers which, broadly speaking, are either linear or rotational potentiometers.  Both do exactly the same thing, however, they are constructed differently.  Another type of rotary potentiometer is the string potentiometer.

A linear potentiometer (often called a slider) measures changes in variance along the track in a straight line (linear) as the potentiometer's slider moves either in a left or right direction.  A linear potentiometer is more suitable in areas where there is space available to install the potentiometer. 

A rotary potentiometer uses a rotary motion to move the slider around a track that is almost circular. Because the potentiometer's track is circular, the size of a rotary potentiometer can be quite small and does not require a lot of space to install.

A very inexpensive linear potentiometer ($3.00).  The tracks on this pot are made from carbon and the body is open to dust and grime.  They work quite well, but expect their life to be limited once they begin to get dirty

Potentiometer Accuracy

The ability of the potentiometer to accurately read the position of the slider as it moves along the track is vital if the attached control device is to perform in an accurate and repeatable way. 

The performance, accuracy, and how long that accuracy is maintained, is governed by the internal construction of the potentiometer; in particular the material used for the track (carbon, cermet, composite, etc).  Of particular importance, is the coarseness of the signal and the noise generated (electrical interference). when the potentiometer has power running through it.

For example, cermet which is composite of metal and plastic produces a very clean low noise signal, where as carbon often exhibits higher noise characteristics and can generate a course output.  It’s the coarseness of the signal that makes a control device easy or difficult to calibrate.  It also defines how accurately the potentiometer will read any small movement.

Potentiometers that use carbon form the mainstay of the less expensive types, such as those used in the gaming industry, while higher-end applications that requite more exacting accuracy use cermet or other materials. 

Essentially, higher end potentiometers generate less noise and produce a cleaner output that is less course.  This translates to more accurate calibration.  This is seen when you trim the aircraft. 

A quality mid to high-end potentiometer, when calibrated correctly, will enable you to easily trim the aircraft, insofar that the trim conditions can be replicated time and time again (assuming the same flight conditions, aircraft weight, engine output, etc).

Simulators, Dust, Grime and Other Foreign Bodies

Flight simulators to control a number of moving parts, generally use a combination of linear and rotary potentiometers.  For example, a rotary potentiometer may be used to control the flight controls (ailerons, elevator and rudder) while a linear potentiometer may be used to control the movement of the flaps lever, speedbrake and steering tiller. 

Any component that has a current running through it will attract dust, and the location of the potentiometer will often determine how much dust is attracted to the unit.  A potentiometer positioned beneath a platform is likely to attract more dust than one located behind the MIP or enclosed in the throttle quadrant.

A rotary potentiometer is an enclosed unit;  it is impervious to dust, grime and whatever else lurks beneath a flight simulator platform.  In comparison, a linear potentiometer is open to the environment and its carbon track can easily be contaminated.  Once the track has become contaminated, the potentiometer will become difficult to calibrate, and its output will become inaccurate.

Sometime ago, I had a linear potentiometer that was difficult to calibrate, and when calibrated produced spurious outputs.  The potentiometer was positioned beneath the platform adjacent to the rod that links the two control columns.  When I removed the potentiometer, I discovered part of the body of a dead cockroach on the carbon track. 

This is not to say that linear potentiometers do not have a place – they do.  But, if they are to be used in a dusty environment, they must have some type of cover fitted.  A cover will minimise the chance of dust adhering to the potentiometer’s track. 

I use linear potentiometers mounted to the inside of the throttle quadrant to control the flaps and speedbrake.  The two potentiometers are mounted vertically on the quadrant’s sidewall.  This area is relatively clean, and the vertical position of the mounted potentiometers is not conducive to dust accumulation.

Ease of Installation

Both linear and rotary potentiometers are straightforward to install, however, they must be installed relatively close to the item they control.  Often a lever or connecting rod must be fabricated to enable the potentiometer to be connected with the control device.

String Potentiometers (strings)

Cross section diagram showing internals of string potentiometer. Diagram © TE Connectivity.

A string potentiometer (also called a string position transducer) is a rotary potentiometer that has a stainless steel cable connected to a spring-loaded spool. 

The string potentiometer is mounted to a fixed surface and the cable attached to a moveable part (such as a control device).  As the control device moves, the potentiometer produces an electrical signal (by the slider moving across the track) that is proportional to the cable’s extension or velocity.  This signal is then read by the calibration software. 

The advantages of using string potentiometers over a standard-issue rotary potentiometer are many:

(i)        Quick and easy installation;

(ii)       Greater accuracy as you are measuring the linear pull along a cable;

(iii)      Greater flexibility in mounting and positioning relative to the control device;

(iv)      No dust problems as the potentiometer is enclosed;

(v)       No fabrication is needed to connect the potentiometer to the control device (only cable and dog clip) and,

(vi)       Greater time span before calibration is required (compared to a linear potentiometer).

The importance of point (iii) cannot be underestimated.  The string can be extended from the potentiometer within a arc of roughly 60-70 degrees, meaning that the unit can be mounted more or less anywhere.  The only proviso is that the cable must have unimpeded movement. 

Attachment of the string to the control device can be by whatever method you choose.  I have used a small dog lead clip.  As the potentiometer is completely enclosed dust is not an issue, which is a clear advantage in that once the potentiometer calibrated, the calibration does not alter (as dust does not settle on the track).

I have used string potentiometers to calibrate the axis on the ailerons, elevators and rudder (one potentiometer per item), in addition to using  a dual-string potentiometer in the throttle quadrant to calibrate the two thrust levers.  Another single-string potentiometer controls the position of the flaps lever.


High-end commercial string potentiometers are not inexpensive.  Many are used in the medical industry where extremely tight tolerances must be met at all times.  The more accurate the potentiometer the more the potentiometer will cost.  But you have to look at the end product in use and the level of positional accuracy that's required.  While a high-end potentiometer can definitely be used, the accuracy you are paying for probably won't be needed or used by ProSim-AR.  Put another way, it's like buying a high tensile strength dog lead, when a piece of rope will do the same job.

If you search the Internet, you will find average priced string potentiometers, and these are the ones that will suit your application perfectly.

rotary String potentiometer.  This pot connects to the ailerons.  The stainless cable can be seen leaving the casing that connects with the aileron controls.  An advantage of string pots is that they can installed more or less anywhere, as long as there is unimpeded access for the cable to move

Fabricate Your Own String Potentiometer

As mentioned, whilst you can purchase ready-made string potentiometers, their cost is not inexpensive.  As a trial, a friend and I decided to fabricate our own string potentiometers.

The potentiometers used are manufactured by Bourns (3590S series precision potentiometer).  These units are a sealed, wire-wound potentiometer with a stainless steel shaft.  According to the Bourns specification sheet these potentiometers have a tolerance +-5%. 

Diagram showing spring-loaded spool. Diagram © TE Connectivity.

The potentiometer is mounted in a custom-made acrylic box in which a hole the size of the potentiometer's end, has been drilled into the lid.   Similar boxes can be purchased in pre-cut sizes, but making your own custom-sized box enables the potentiometer to be mounted inside the box in a position most advantageous to your set-up. It also enables you to place the mounting holes on the box in strategic positions.

Another small hole has been drilled in the side of the box to enable the stainless steel cable to move freely (see image at beginning of article).  If you want to allow the cable to move through an arc, this hole must be elongated to enable the cable to extend at an angle and move unimpeded. 

The cable (string) is part of a self-ratcheting spool (also called a retractor clip) which is glued to the inside of the box and connected directly with the stainless steel shaft of the potentiometer.  To stop the shaft of the potentiometer from spinning freely, a hole was drilled into the shaft.  A small screw secures the shaft to the inside the ratchet spool mechanism. 

The cable when attached to a solid point is kept taught by the tension of the self-ratchet spool (an internal spring controls the tension).   Ratchet spools are easily obtainable and come in many sizes and tensions.   Three standard JR servo wires connect the potentiometer to a Leo Bodnar BU0836A 12 bit Joystick Controller card.  A mini dog lead clip is used at attach the cable to the control device.

One of the major advantages when using string potentiometers is that the actual potentiometer does not have to be mounted adjacent to, or even close to the device it controls.  The line of pull on the cable can be anything within roughly a 70 degree arc. 

A string potentiometer that connects to the two thrust levers in the throttle quadrant


A string potentiometer can be used in the following applications: ailerons, elevators, thrust levers, speedbrake and flaps.  The string potentiometer can also be used for the rudder, however, as the input to the rudder is course, there probably is little advantage in using a string potentiometer in this application - a normal rotary potentiometer is suitable.

By far the most important of the above-mentioned applications are the ailerons, elevators and the thrust levers on the throttle quadrant.

Additional Information

Final Call

Previously, I used inexpensive linear and rotary potentiometers to control the main flight controls.  I was continually plagued with calibration issues, and when calibrated, the calibration was not maintained for more than few months.  Furthermore, manual flight was problematic as the output from each of the  (cheap) potentiometers was very course, which translated to less accuracy when using the ailerons and elevators.  Trimming the aircraft in any condition other than level flight was difficult.

Without doubt, the use of quality string potentiometers have resolved all the earlier calibration and accuracy issues I had been experiencing.  With the replacement potentiometers, the aircraft is easily hand-flown and can be trimmed more accurately.

Perhaps in the future I will ‘up the anti’ and purchase two commercial high-end string potentiometers (or use hall sensors), but for the time being the Bourns potentiometers suit my requirements.

Flight Management System (FMS) Software and its Relationship with LNAV and VNAV

OEM 737 CDU page displaying the U version of software used by the Flight Management Computer.  The page also displays the current NavData version installed in addition to other information

The procedure to takeoff in a Boeing 737 is a relatively straightforward process, however, the use of automation, in particular pitch and roll modes (Lateral and Vertical Navigation), when to engage it, and what to expect once it has been selected, can befuddle new flyers.  

In this article I will explain some of the differences between versions of software used in the Flight Management System (FMS) and how its relates to Lateral and vertical Navigation (LNAV  & VNAV). 

It’s assumed the reader has a relatively good understanding of the use of LNAV and VNAV, how to engage this functionality, and how they can be used together or independently of each other.

FMS Software Versions

There are a several versions of software used in the FMC; which version is installed is dependent upon the airline, and it’s not unusual for airframes to have different versions of software.

The nomenclature for the FMC software is a letter U followed by the version number.  The version of software dictates, amongst other things, the level of automation available.  For the most part, 737 Next Generation airframes will be installed with version U10.6, U10.7 or later.

Boeing released U1 in 1984 and the latest version, used in the 737 Max is U13.

Later versions of FMC software enable greater functionality and a higher level of automation – especially in relation to LNAV and VNAV.

Differences in Simulation Software

The FMS software used by the main avionics suites (Sim Avionics, Project Magenta, PMDG and ProSim-AR) should be identical in functionality if they simulate the same FMS U number.  

As at 2018, ProSim-AR uses U10.8A and Sim Avionics use a hybrid of U10.8, which is primarily U10.8 with some other features taken from U11 and U12.  Precision Manuals Development Group (PMDG) uses U10.8A.  

Therefore, as ProSim-AR and PMDG both use U10.8A, it’s fair to say that everything functional in PMDG should also be operational in ProSim737.  Unfortunately, as of writing, PMDG is the only software that replicates U10.8A with 97+-% success rate.

To check which version is being used by the FMC, press INIT REF/INDEX/IDENT in the CDU.  

Writing about the differences between FMC U version can become confusing.   Therefore, to minimise misunderstanding and increase readability, I have set out the information for VNAV and LNAV using the FMC U number.   

Roll Mode (LNAV)

U10.6 and earlier

(i)    LNAV will not engage below 400 AGL;

(ii)    LNAV cannot be armed prior to takeoff; and,

(iii)    LNAV should only be engaged  when climb is stabilised, but after passing through 400 feet AGL.

U10.7 and later

(i)    If LNAV is selected or armed prior to takeoff, LNAV guidance will become active at 50 feet AGL as long as the active leg in the FMC is within 3 NM and 5 degrees of the runway heading.  

(i)    If the departure procedure or route does not begin at the end of the runway, it’s recommended to use HDG SEL (when above 400 feet AGL) to intercept the desired track for LNAV capture;

(ii)    When an immediate turn after takeoff is necessary, the desired heading should be preset in the MCP prior to takeoff;  and,

(iii)    If the departure procedure is not part of the active flight plan, HDG SEL or VOR LOC should be used until the aircraft is within range of the flight plan track (see (i) above).

Important Point:

•    LNAV (U10.7 and later) can only be armed if the FMC has an active flight plan.

Pitch Mode (VNAV)

U10.7 and earlier

(i)    At Acceleration Height (AH), lower the aircraft’s nose to increase airspeed to flaps UP manoeuvre speed;

(ii)    At Thrust Reduction Altitude (800 - 1500 feet), select or verify that the climb thrust has been set (usually V2+15 or V2+20);

(iii)    Retract flaps as per the Flaps Retraction Schedule (FRS); and,

(iv)    Select VNAV or climb speed in the MCP speed window only after flaps and slats have been retracted.

Important Points:

  • VNAV cannot be armed prior to takeoff.

  • Remember that prior to selecting VNAV, flaps should be retracted, because VNAV does not provide overspeed protection for the leading edge devices when using U10.7 or earlier.

U10.8 and later 

(i)    VNAV can be engaged at anytime because VNAV in U10.8 provides overspeed protection for the leading edge devices;

(ii)    If VNAV is armed prior to takeoff, the Auto Flight Direction System (AFDS) remains in VNAV when the autopilot is engaged.  However, if another pitch mode is selected, the AFDS will remain in that mode;

(iii)    When VNAV is armed prior to takeoff, it will engage automatically at 400 feet.  With VNAV engaged, acceleration and climb out speed is computed by the FMC software and controlled by the AFDS; and,

(iv)    The Flaps should be retracted as per the flaps retraction schedule;

(v)    If VNAV is not armed prior to takeoff, at Acceleration Height set the command speed to the flaps UP manoeuvre speed; and,

(vi)    If VNAV is not armed prior to takeoff, at Acceleration Height set the command speed to the flaps UP manoeuvre speed.

Important Points:

  • VNAV can be armed prior to takeoff or at anytime.

  • At thrust reduction altitude, verify that climb thrust is set at the point selected on the takeoff reference page in the CDU.  If the thrust reference does not change automatically, climb thrust should be manually selected.

  • Although the VNAV profile and acceleration schedule is compatible with most planned departures, it’s prudent to cross check the EICAS display to ensure the display changes from takeoff (TO) to climb or reduced climb (R-CLB).  

Auto Flight Direction System (AFDS) – Operation During Takeoff and Climb

U10.7 and earlier

If the autopilot is engaged prior to the selection of VNAV:

(i)    The AFDS will revert to LVL CHG;

(ii)    The pitch mode displayed on the Flight Mode Annunciator (FMA) will change from TOGA to MCP SPD; and,

(iii)    If a pitch mode other than TOGA is selected after the autopilot is engaged, the AFDS will remain in that mode.

U10.8 and later

(i)    If VAV is armed for takeoff, the AFDS remains in VNAV when the autopilot is engaged; and,   

(ii)    If a pitch mode other than VNAV is selected, the AFDS will remain in that mode.

Preparing for Failure

LNAV and VNAV have their shortcomings, both in the real and simulated environments.

To help counteract any failure, it’s good airmanship to set the heading mode (HDG) on the MCP to indicate the bearing that the aircraft will be flying.  Doing this ensures that, should LNAV fail, the HDG button can be quickly engaged with minimal time delay; thereby, minimising any deviation from the aircraft’s course.

Final Call

I realise that some readers, who only wish to learn the most recent software, will not be interested in much of the content of this article.  Notwithstanding this, I am sure many will have discovered something they may have been forgotten or overlooked.

The content of this short article came out of a discussion on a pilot’s forum.  If there is doubt, always consult the Flight Crew Training Manual (FCTM) which provides information specific to the software version used at that particular airline.


  • CDU – Computer Display Unit.

  • EFIS – Electronic Flight Instrument System.

  • FMA – Flight Mode Annunciator.

  • FMC – Flight Management Computer.

  • FMS - Flight Management System.

  • LVL CHG – Level Change.

  • LNAV – Lateral Navigation.

  • MCP – Mode Control Panel.

  • ND – Navigation Display.

  • PFD – Primary Flight Display

  • VNAV – Vertical Navigation.

ISFD Knob Fabricated

OEM ISFD (Image copyright Driven Technologies INC)

The Integrated Standby Flight Display (ISFD) is mounted in the stand-by instrument cluster in the Main Instrument Panel (MIP).  The ISFD provides redundancy should the Primary Flight Display (PFD) on the Captain or First Officer fail. 

The ISFD is not a common panel to find second hand, and working units are expensive to purchase.  I don't  have an OEM ISFD, but rather (at least for the moment) use a working virtual image displayed by ProSim737. 

ISFD knob.  Two versions: one replicates the taller NG style while the other is slightly shorter.  Although not functional, they provide a better representation of the plastic knob that previously was installed

Conversion of an OEM unit is possible, however, the unit would need to be fully operational, and  finding a working unit at a reasonable price is unlikely.  ISFDs are expensive and reuse is common.  If a unit does not meet certification standard, it's disposed of because it's broken and cannot be economically repaired.


The ISFD knob that came bundled with the MIP I purchased is very mediocre in appearance – in fact it's a piece of plastic that barely looks like a realistic knob.  I purposely have not included an image, as the design would be an embarrassment to the company that produced the MIP.

A friend of mine is a bit of a wizard in making weird things, so I asked him if he could make a knob for me.  He made two knobs – one based on the standard design seen in the Next Generation airframe and the other knob a shorter version of the same type. 

Knob being fabricated on a lathe

Attention to Detail

Attention to detail is important and each knob has the small grub screw and cross hatch design as seen on the OEM knob.  The knobs have been made from aluminum and will be primed and painted the correct colour in the near future.

A 2 axis CNC lathe was used to fabricate the knobs.  The use of a computer lathe enables the measurements of a real knob to be accurately duplicated, in addition to any design characteristic, such as cross hatching or holes to install grub screws.

Wind Correction (WIND CORR) Function - CDU

OEM 737 CDU showing WIND CORR display in Approach Ref page

Wind Correction (WIND CORR)

The approach page in the CDU has a field named WIND CORR (Wind Correction Field or WCF). 

WIND CORR can be used by a flight crew to alter the Vref + speed (speed additive) that is used by the autothrottle during the final approach.   This is to take into account wind gusts and headwind that is greater than 5 knots. 

Changing the Wind Correction to match increased headwind and gusts increases the safety margin that the autothrottle operates, and ensures that the autothrottle command a speed is not at Vref.

WIND CORR Explained

The algorithm of the autothottle includes a component that includes a speed additive.  The speed additive is 1.23 times greater than the stall speed of the aircraft (at whatever flap setting).  When the autothrottle is engaged, the speed additive is automatically added to Vref.   This provides a safety buffer to ensure that the autothrottle does not command a speed equal to or lower than Vref. This added speed is usually 'bled off' during the flare ensuring landing is at Vref.

Although the autothrottle algorithm is a sophisticated piece of software, there is a time lag between when the sensors register a change in airspeed to when the physcial engines increase or decrease their spool (power).   By having a speed additive (based on headwind and gust component) the speed of the aircraft (as commanded by the autothrottle) should not fall below Vref.

A Vref+ speed higher than +5 can be inputted when gusty or headwind conditions are above what are considered normal.  By increasing the additive speed (+xx), the  speed commanded by the autothrottle will not degrade to a speed lower than that inputted.

The default display is +5 knots.   Changing this figure will alter how the algorithm calculates the command speed for the autothrottle; any change will be reflected in the LEGS page, however not in the APPROACH REF page.

The data entered into the Wind Correction field will only be used by the Flight Management System (FMS) when the aircraft is following an RNAV approach, or when using VNAV to fly an approach that has been manually constructed in the CDU.  This is because these approach modes use the data from the FMS to fly the approach (as opposed to an ILS or other mode that doesn't use the FMS data). 

If hand flying the aircraft, or executing another approach type, Wind Correction is advisory (you will need to add the speed additive (Vref+ xx knots) by mental mathematics).

Important Points:

  • Wind Correction is automatically added to Vref when flying an RNAV approach, or when using VNAV to fly an approach that has been manually constructed in the CDU.

  • Wind Correction is advisory for all other approach types or when manually flying an approach; +xx knots must be added to Vref by mental mathematics.


The WIND CORR feature is straightforward to use.   

Virtual CDU (ProSim737) showing the difference in landing speed with a Vref between a +5 and +13 Knot (Wind Correction) change.  Vref altered from 152 knots to 160 knots

Navigate to the approach page in the CDU (press INIT REF key to open the Approach Reference page).  Then double press the key adjacent to the required flaps for approach (for example, flaps 30).  Double selecting the key causes the flap/speed setting to be automatically populated to the FLAP/SPD line. 

Type the desired additive into the scratch pad of the CDU and up-select to the WIND CORR line.  The revised speed will change the original Vref speed and take the headwind component into account.  If you navigate to the LEGS page in the CDU, you will observe the change.

If the headwind is greater than 5 knots, then WIND CORR can be used to increase the additive from the default +5 knots to anything up to but not exceeding 20 knots. 

It’s important to understand that the figure generated in the CDU is the Vref speed.  This is the speed that the aircraft should be at when crossing the runway threshold or at a altitude of approximately 50 feet.  

To this speed you must add the appropriate wind correction - either by mental mathematics or by using WIND CORR (if flying an FMS generated approach).

Boeing state that the +XX knots should be bled off during the flare procedure ensuring that touchdown speed is at Vref, however this rarely occurs in real life.

Recall from above, that any change using the Wind Correction field will have no bearing on calculations, unless the aircraft is being flown in RNAV / VNAV, or the approach has been manually constructed in the CDU.

For a full review on how to calculate wind speed, refer to this article: Crosswind landing Techniques - Calculations. A prompt sheet is displayed for quick reference.         

Wind calculation cheat sheet

Important Variables - Aircraft Weight and Fuel Burn

To obtain the most accurate Vref for landing, the weight of the aircraft must be known minus the fuel that has been consumed during the flight.

Fortunately, the Flight Management System updates this information in real-time and provides access to the information in the CDU.  It's important that if an approach is lengthy (time consuming) and/or involves holds, the Vref data displayed on the CDU will not be up-to-date (assuming you calculated this at time of descent); the FLAPS/Vref display will show a different speed to that displayed in the FLAP/SPD display.  To update this data, double press the key adjacent to the flaps/speed required and the information will update to the new speed.

How To Manually Calculate Fuel Burn

If wishing to manually calculate the final approach speed well before the approach commences, then it's necessary to manually calculate the fuel burn of the aircraft.  Open the PROGRESS PAGE on the CDU and take note of the arrival fuel.  Subtract this value from how much fuel you have in the tanks - this is the fuel burn (assuming all variables are constant).

Interestingly, the difference that fuel burn and aircraft weight can play in the final Vref speed can be substantial (assuming all variables, except fuel, are equal).  To demonstrate:

  • Aircraft weight at 74.5 tonnes with fuel tanks 100% full – flaps/Vref 30/158.

  • Aircraft weight at 60.0 tonnes with fuel tanks 25% full   – flaps/Vref 30/142.

Important Points:

  • During the approach, V speeds are important to maintain.  A commanded speed that is below optimal can be dangerous, especially if the crew needs to conduct a go-around, or if winds suddenly increase or decrease.  An increase or decrease in wind may cause pitch coupling.

  • If executing an RNAV Approach or using VNAV, it's important to update the WIND CORR field to the correct headwind speed based on wind conditions.  This is because an RNAV approach and VNAV use the data from the Flight Management System (to which Wind Correction is added).

  • If an approach is lengthy (for example, during a STAR or when requested to hold), the Vref speed will need to be updated to take into account the fuel that has been used by the aircraft during the holding time. 

  • Changing the WIND CORR speed in the CDU, does not alter the Vref speed displayed on the Primary Flight Display (PFD).  Nor is the APPROACH REF page on the CDU updated.  The change is only reflected in the LEGS page.

  • Boeing state that the speed additive should be 'bled off' during the flare so that the actual landing speed is Vref.


Autolands are rarely done in the Boeing 737, however, if executing an autoland, the WIND CORR field is left as +5 knots (default).  The autoland and autothrottle logic will command the correct approach and landing speed.

Simulated in Avionics Suite

WIND CORR may or may not be functional in the avionics software you use.  Wind Correction is functional in the ProSim737 avionics suite.

Additonal Information

A very good video that discusses this in detail can be viewed at FlightDeck2Sim.



  • CDU – Control Display Unit

  • FMC – Flight Management Computer

  • FMS – Flight Management System (comprising the FMC and CDU)

  • Vref - The final approach speed is based on the reference landing speed

  • Vapp – Vapp is your approach speed, and is adjusted for any wind component you might have. You drop from Vapp to Vref usually by just going idle at a certain point in the flare

  • Updated 21 March 2022 (increased clarity)

Differences in Colour, Manufacturer, and Layout in the Center Pedestal

There are several panels that make up the center pedestal, main instrument panel, and overhead in the Boeing 737 aircraft. Most of the panels are required by international law, and a carrier cannot fly if certain panels do not function correctly.

Although the aviation regulations require aircraft to have certain panels, there are panels that are airline specific. These panels are chosen when the aircraft is ordered from Boeing, or they may be installed at a later on. Similar to automobiles, there are a number of manufacturers of aviation panels and each panel, although having identical functionality may differ slightly.

All high-end simulators replicate the panels required by the authorities, and enthusiasts often fixate on a number of supposed issues. Namely:

(i)         The colour of the panel and lightplate;

(ii)        The position of the panel in the center pedestal;

(iii)       The backlighting of the lightplate (bulbs verses LEDs);

(iv)       The manufacturer of the panel, and;

(v)        The aesthetic condition of the lightplate.

Although seemingly important to a cockpit builder, to the casual observer, or indeed to many pilots, these attributes are of little consequence.  Nevertheless, it's understandable to a newcomer that all panels in the 737 Next Generation are identical between all aircraft.

Whilst it's true that all airlines must meet aviation standards for the type of operation they fly, the panel manufacturer and where in the pedestal the panel is located is at the discretion of the airline.  Furthermore, it's not uncommon to observe older style panels mixed with modern panels and to see lightplates that are illuminated by bulbs and LEDs side by side.

Note that some of this information probably pertains more to older Next Generation 737s than to the latest Next Generation released from Boeing.  I use the word 'panel' to denote an avionics module.

Colour of Lightplates

The official colour shade used by Boeing is Federal Standard 5956 36440 (light gull grey).  However, OEM part manufacturers may use slightly different colour hues.  For example, IPECO use British Standard 381C-632 (dark admiralty grey) and Gables use RAL 7011.  This said, often an airline will 'touch up' a lightplate that is damaged or faded - this introduces a further colour variant. 

For example, a lightplate I acquired from a 737-500 airframe revealed three differing shades of grey beneath the final top coat of paint.  This is not to mention that, depending on the manufacturer of the lightplate, the final coat of paint may be matt, semi-matt or gloss.

From the perspective of an engineer, the colour (and to a certain extent aesthetic condition) is unimportant when replacing a defective part with another.  Time spent in the hanger equates to a loss in revenue by the airline.  Therefore turn-around times are as brief as possible and keeping an aircraft on the ground while procuring the correct shade of Boeing grey does not enter the equation.

Position of Panels in the Center Pedestal

image copyright chris brady

Boeing recommends a more or less standard position for the essential panels in the center pedestal (NAV, COM, ADF, ASP, rudder trim, door lock and panel flood), however, the location of the panels is often altered by the receiving airline, and is to a certain extent is determined by what other panels are installed to the pedestal.  Areas (holes) in the pedestal not used by a panel are covered over with a grey-coloured metal blank.

LEFT:  This photograph of the center pedestal of a Boeing 737-500 was taken in 2016.  The aircraft is a freighter converted from a passenger aircraft.  Apart from the older style ACP panels, note the disparate displays between the NAV and COM radios.  Also note the position of the ADF radios and some of the other panels; they do not conform to what is usually thought of as a standard set-out.  Finally, note the scratches on the pedestal and on some of the panels and lightplates - they hardly look new (image copyright Chris Brady).

Panels are manufactured by several companies, and often there appearance will differ slightly between manufacturer, although the panel's functionality will be identical.  The airline more often than not chooses which panel is used, and often the decision is biased by the cost of the panel.  Therefore, it's not uncommon to observe several airframes of a similar age with differing panels positioned in different areas of the center pedestal.

Panel Condition

Enthusiasts pride themselves in having a simulator that looks brand new.  However, in the real world a Level D simulator or flight deck rarely looks new after entering service.  Panels can be soiled and paint is chipped and scratched, and depending on age, some lightplates are faded to due to the high UV environment that is present in a flight deck.

So where am I going with this?  Enthusiasts strive to match their panels with those observed in a real airliner, however, more often than not this information comes from photographs distributed by Boeing Corporation, which nearly always depict panels in a standard position, especially in relation to the center pedestal. 

The variables noted by enthusiasts should not cause consternation, as real aircraft show similar variation.  Remember that in the real aircraft, colour, manufacturer, and to a certain extent aesthetic condition is not important - functionality is.