Throttle Quadrant Rebuild - Flaps Lever Uses String Potentiometer

Flaps lever set to Flaps 30.  The throttle quadrant is from a Boeing 737-500 airframe. The flaps lever arc is the curved piece of aluminium that has has cut-out notches that reflect the various flap positions.  It was beneath this arc that micro-buttons had been installed

There are several ways to enable the flaps lever to register a particular flaps détente when the flaps lever is moved to that position on the flaps arc.

In the earlier conversion, the way I had chosen worked reasonably well.  However, with constant use several inherent problems began to develop.

In this article, we'll examine the new system.  But before going further, I'll briefly explain the method that was previously used.

Overview of Previously Used System

In the earlier conversion, nine (9) micro-buttons were used to register the positions of the flaps lever when it was moved (Flaps UP to Flaps 40). 

The micro-buttons were attached to a half moon shaped piece of fabricated aluminium.  This was mounted beneath the flaps lever arc and attached to the quadrant.  Each micro-button was then connected to an input on a PoKeys 55 interface card.  Each input corresponded to an output.

Calibration was straightforward as each micro-button corresponded to a specific flaps position.


The system operated reasonably well, however, there were some problems which proved the system to be unreliable.  Namely:

(i)    The vertical and lateral movement of the chain located in the OEM throttle quadrant interferred with the micro-buttons when the trim was engaged; and,

(ii)  The unreliability of the PoKeys 55 interface card to maintain an accurate connection with the micro-buttons.

Movement of OEM Chain

The chain, which is similar in appearance to a heavy duty bicycle chain, connects between two of the main cogs in the throttle quadrant.  When the aircraft is trimmed and the trim wheels rotate, the chain revolves around the cogs.  When the chain rotates there is considerable vertical and some lateral movement of the chain, and it was this movement that caused three micro-buttons to be damaged; the chain rubbed across the bottom section of the micro-buttons, and with time the affected buttons became unresponsive.

First Officer side of a disassembled throttle quadrant  (prior to cleaning and conversion).  The large notched cog is easily seen and it's around this cog that the OEM chain rotates (the chain has been removed)

It took some time to notice this problem, as the chain only rotates when the trim buttons are used, and the micro-buttons affected were primarily those that corresponded to Flaps 5, 10 and 15.  The chain would only rub the three micro-buttons in question when the flap lever was being set to Flaps 5, 10 or 15 and only when the trim was simultaneously engaged.

The cog and chain resides immediately beneath the flaps arc (removed, but is attached to where you can see the four screws in the picture). 

Although there appears to be quite a bit of head- space between the cog and the position where the flaps arc is fitted, the space available is minimal.  Micro-buttons are small, but the structure that the button sits is larger, and it was this structure that was damaged by the movement of the chain (click to enlarge).

An obvious solution to this problem would be to move the chain slightly off center by creating an offset, or to fabricate a protective sleeve to protect the micro-buttons from the movement of the chain.     However, the design became complicated and a simpler solution was sought.

Replacement System

Important criteria when designing a new system is: accuracy, ease of installation, calibration, and maintenance.  Another important criteria is to use the KIS system.  KIS is an acronym used in the Australian military meaning Keep It Simple.

The upgraded system has improved reliability and has made several features used in the earlier system redundant.  These features, such as the QAMP (Quick Access Mounting Plate) in which linear potentiometers were installed, have been removed.

String Potentiometer Replaces Micro-buttons

Single-string potentiometer enables accurate calibration of flaps UP to flaps 40.  The potentiometer is mounted on a customised bracket screwed to the First Officer side of the throttle quadrant superstructure.  The terminal block in the image is part of the stab trim wheel system

A Bourns single-string potentiometer replaced the micro-buttons and previously used linear potentiometers.  The string potentiometer is mounted to a custom-designed bracket on the First Officer side of the throttle quadrant.  The bracket has been fabricated from heavy duty plastic.

A string potentiometer was selected ahead of a linear potentiometer because the former is not limited in throw; all the flap détentes can be registered from flaps UP through to flaps 40.  This is not usually possible with a linear potentiometer because the throw of the potentiometer is not large enough to cater to the full movement of the flaps lever along the arc.

A 'string' is also very sensitive to movement, and any movement of the string (in or out) can be accurately registered.

Another advantage, is that it's not overly important where the potentiometer is mounted, as the string can move across a wide arc, whereas a linear potentiometer requires a straight direction of pull-travel.

Finally, the string potentiometer is a closed unit.  This factor is important as calibration issues often result from dust and grime settling on the potentiometer.  A closed unit for the most part is maintenance free.

The end of the potentiometer string is attached to the lower section of the flaps lever.  As the flaps lever moves along the arc, the string moves in and out of the potentiometer. 

The ProSim737 software has the capability to calibrate the various flap détentes.  Therefore, calibration using FSUIPC is not required.  However, if ProSim737 is not used, then FSUIPC will be needed to calibrate the flap détente positions.


Apart from the ease of calibration, increased accuracy, and repeatability that using a string potentiometer brings, two other advantages in using the new system is not having to use a Pokeys 55 card or micro-buttons.

Unreliability of PoKeys 55 Interface Card

The PoKeys card, for whatever reason, wasn't reliable in the previous system.  There were the odd USB disconnects and the card was unable to maintain (with accuracy and repeatability) the position set by the micro-buttons.

I initially replaced the PoKeys card, believing the card to be damaged, however, the replacement card behaved in a similar manner.  Reading the Internet I learned that several other people, who also use ProSim737 as their avionics suite, have had similar problems.

Micro-buttons can and do fail, and replacing one or more micro-buttons beneath the flaps arc is a time-consuming process.  This is because the upper section of the throttle quadrant must be completely dismantled and the trim wheels removed to enable access to the flaps arc.

Registering the Movement of the Flaps Lever in Windows

The movement of the flaps lever, prior to calibration must be registered by the Windows Operating System.  This was done using a Leo Bodnar 086-A Joystick interface card.  This card is mounted in the Throttle Interface Module (TIM).    The joystick card, in addition to the flaps lever, also registers several other button and lever movements on the throttle quadrant.  

Final Call

The rebuild has enabled a more reliable and robust system to be installed that has rectified the shortfalls experienced in the earlier system.  The new system works flawlessly.

  • This article displays links to the majot journal posts concerning the 737 throttle: OEM Throttle Quadrant

Acronyms and Glossary

  • OEM - Original Aircraft Manufacture (real aircraft part).

Repair Backlighting on Throttle Quadrant

The rear of the First Officer side trim lightplate showing one of the two terminals that the wiring loom connects to

During a recent flight, I noticed that the bulbs that illuminate the backlighting for the trim and flaps lightplate (First Officer side) had failed, however, the backlighting on the Captain-side trim lightplate was illuminated.  My first thought was that the 5 volt bulbs that are integrated into the lightplate had burned out; after all, everything has an end life.

Backlighting - Wiring Loom

The wiring loom that supplies the power for the backlighting enters the throttle quadrant via the front firewall, and initially connects with the trim lightplate and parking brake release light on the Captain-side.  A Y-junction bifurcates the wire loom from the Captain-side to the First Officer side of the quadrant, before it snakes its way along the inside edge of the quadrant firewall to connect with the First Officer side trim lightplate, and then the flaps lightplate.  The wiring loom is attached securely to the inside edge of the throttle casing by screwed cable clamps.

The backlighting for all lightplates is powered by 5 volts and the backlighting on the throttle quadrant is turned on/off/dimmed by the pedestal lighting dimmer knob located on the center pedestal. 

Finding the Problem

Ascertaining whether the bulbs are burned out is uncomplicated, however, assessing the terminals on the rear of each lightplate, and the wiring loom the connects to the lightplates, does involve dismantling part of the throttle quadrant.

The upper section of the throttle quadrant must be dismantled (trim wheels, upper and side panels, and the saw tooth flaps arc).  This enables the inside of throttle quadrant to be inspected more easily with the aid of a torch (lamp/flashlight).  When removing the trim wheels, be especially vigilant not to accidently pull the spline shaft from its mount, as doing so will cause several cogs to fall out of position causing the trim mechanism to be inoperable.

After the lightplates have been removed, but still connected to the wiring loom, a multimeter is used to read the voltage of each respective terminal on the lightplate. If the mutlimeter indicates there is power to the terminals, then the bulbs should illuminate. 

What surprised me when this was done, was that the bulbs worked perfectly. Therefore, it was clear the problem was not bulb, but wire related.

Process of Elimination

The process of elimination is the easiest method to solve problems that may develop in complicated systems.  By reducing the components to their simplest form, a solution can readily be attained.

Alligator wire connects power from Captain-side lightplate to the First Officer lightplate.  Note the frayed outer layer of the white aircraft wire.  The gold colour is a thin layer of gold that acts as a fire retardant should the wiring overheat

If you suspect that the wiring is the problem, and don't have a multi meter, then a quick and fool safe method is to connect an alligator cable from the positive terminal of the Captain-side lightplate to the respective terminal on the First Officer lightplate.  Doing this removes that portion of the wiring harness from the circuit. 

In this scenario, the  bulbs illuminated on both trim lightplates.  As such, the problem was not bulb related, but was associated with the wiring loom.

It must be remembered that the wire used to connect the backlighting in the throttle quadrant is OEM wire.  As such, the age of the wire is the same age as the throttle quadrant.  

Inspecting the wire loom, I noticed that one of the wires that connected to the terminal of the lightplate was severed (cut in two).   I also noted that the original aircraft wires had begun to shed their protective insulation layer. 

Aircraft Wire and Insulation Layers

The high voltage and amperages that travel through aircraft wire can generate considerable heat.  This is why aircraft wire is made to very exacting standards and incorporates several layers of insulation that surround the stranded stainless steel wire.  The use of high-grade stainless steel also provides good strength and resistance to corrosion and oxidation at elevated temperatures.  

The green wire has been severed.  A possible scenario was that the wiring loom had been pulled slightly loose from the throttle chassis, and had become caught in the flaps mechanism.  When the flaps lever is moved, the mechanism can easily crimp (and eventually sever) any wire in its path.  If you observe the white wire you can see the insulation that is shedding

Interestingly, one of the insulating layers is comprised of gold (Au).  The gold acts as an effective fire retardant should the wires overheat.

The breakdown of the upper insulating layer is not a major cause for concern, as a 'shedding' wire still has enough insulation to not arc or short circuit.  However, the wire should be replaced if more than one layer is compromised, or the stainless threads of the wire are visible.

Possible Scenario

When inspecting the wiring loom, I noted that one of the screws that holds the cable clamp to the inside of the throttle casing was loose.  This resulted in part of the wire loom to 'hang' near the flaps arc mechanism.    It is possible that during the throttle’s operational use, the movement and vibration of the aircraft had caused the screw to become loose resulting in the wires hanging down further than normal.  It appears that the wire had been severed, because it became caught in the mechanism of the flaps lever.  

Unlike reproduction throttles, the parts used in an OEM throttle are heavy duty and very solid; they are designed to withstand considerable abuse.  The speedbrake lever, when activated can easily cut a pencil in two, and the repeated movement of the flaps lever, when moved quickly between the teeth of the flaps arc, can easily crimp or flatten a wire.

Rather than try to solder the wires together (soldering stainless wire is difficult) and possibly have the same issue re-occur, I routed the wires from both lightplates (trim and flaps) directly to the 5 volt bus bar located in the center pedestal. 

I could have removed the wire loom completely and replaced it with another loom, however, this would involve having to disassemble the complete upper structure of the throttle quadrant to access the wire loom attachment points on the inside of the throttle casing; something I was not keen to do.

Final Call

OEM parts, although used in a static and simulated environment can have drawbacks.  Apart from age, the repeated movement of mechanical parts and the vibration of the spinning trim wheels, can loosen screws and nuts that otherwise should be securely tightened. 


  • OEM – Original Equipment Manufacturer

  • Wire Loom – Several wires bundled together and attached to a fixed point by some type of clamp

Trim Wheel Nut Tool - New Design

The redesigned Trim Wheel Nut Tool. Fabricated from a solid piece of aluminium

A potential problem when using an OEM Boeing throttle unit, is removing the nut that secures the trim wheels to the side of the throttle.  The nut has been designed in such a way that loosening it can only be done with a specialised tool.  Attempting to use a screwdriver or pliers may burr the nut, or slip causing damage to the trim wheel.

In an earlier post I examined how a simple tool had been designed to easily remove the nut from the spline shaft that holds the trim wheels in place.   Although this tool was functional there was room for improvement in its design and manufacture.

New Design and Improved Engineering

The tool, has been redesigned and incorporates an aluminium cylinder that has been produced from a solid block of aluminium using a milling machine.  The inside of the cylinder has been milled and a set screw securely inserted.  The set screw mates with the screw that holds the spline shaft in place.

The outer flange, adjacent to the set screw has then been machined so that two ridges, approximately 1mm in height are either side of the set screw.  The set screw mates with the female located on the end of the spline shaft while the ridge provides extra purchase by mating with the indents in the nut. 

In addition, a circular hole 8mm in diameter has been drilled through the upper portion of the cylinder enabling a similar sized piece of metal, or the shaft of a screwdriver to be inserted.  This allows additional purchase and leverage should the nuts be difficult to loosen.   Finally, the aluminium on the outside of cylinder has been slightly scoured to facilitate better grip.

New design has easier mating which enables greater purchasing power for removing tight spline nuts

Round and Round

The trim wheels are continually rotating back and forth as the aircraft is trimmed.  This rotation causes the nut, that secures the trim wheels to the spline shaft to, over time, become tighter and therefore more difficult to loosen.  This firmness is often exacerbated if working on a throttle unit removed from a real aircraft, that has not had the spline nuts removed for several years; corrosion and caked grease can easily cement the nuts in place.

This tool, although not an OEM part, is more than adequate to loosen the most determined trim wheel nut.

Replacement Curtains - B737 OEM Throttle Dust Curtains

OEM dust covers for the Boeing throttle. there are slight colour variation depending upon manufactuer

Interesting items can arrive in the post.  Earlier today I opened a small parcel to find a collection of grey coloured pieces of material.  To anyone else they would appear exactly as they do – pieces of material stamped with numbers.

The throttle quadrant I use is original equipment manufacture (OEM) and once plied the skies above Europe.  As such it is a used item with the usual wear and tear you expect from a well-used aircraft part. 

One item that continually caught my attention was the dust curtains or skirts that sit behind the two thrust levers.  In my throttle, the curtains had been abused at some point and were torn and the edges looked rather ragged in appearance.  Although a replacement curtain could have been made by using vinyl or another similar material it would not be the same. 

The numbered pieces of material now have a home – they are OEM dust curtains that will replace the damaged curtains on the throttle.

Installing the Dust Curtains

The B737 throttle quadrant has three dust curtains.  Two on the outer side of the thrust levers and one double-sided curtain that resides between the thrust levers.  Each curtain comprises three parts sandwiched together and held by three screws. 

The parts are:

(i)     The thin aluminium arc which is the outer face plate;

(ii)    The actual curtain; and,

(iii)   The plastic arc retainer. 

Dust curtains have been removed and the plastic retainer and aluminium arc can be seen along with one of the three attachment screws

The plastic arc retainer is curve-shaped and sits flush against the bare metal of the quadrant.  The dust curtain then lies above the retainer and beneath the outer face plate.

Replacing the curtains is straightforward. Remove the three screws that hold the metal arc in place to the throttle, then gentle pry loose the aluminium strip beneath which are the dust curtain and plastic arc retainer.  It’s wise to ensure that you place the parts anatomically on the workbench as each of the items must be reassembled the same way it was removed.

One aspect of Boeing philosophy which makes building a flight simulator much easier is their reuse of parts from earlier airframes.  Boeing do not always redesign a part from scratch, but add to or change existing parts.  This philosophy can save the company millions of dollars.

For those who study this type of thing, you will know that dust curtains can come in differing colour shades.  In general, the older classic style throttle used a paler grey/cream coloured skirt whilst the Next Generation airframes use a standard light grey colour.  But, I would not get too concerned if the colour does not exactly match.

Why are the Dust Curtains Important

The main purpose of the dust curtains is to minimise the chance of foreign bodies falling into the throttle mechanism.  Think pens, rubbers, straws, paper clips and coke can pull tabs (or anything else pilots play with in the flight deck).  The dust curtains are made from a fire retardant material (not asbestos) which minimises the chance of any fire/sparks from licking up the sides of the thrust levers in the unlikely event that a fire devlops inside the throttle quadrant.

For those keen to find replacement OEM dust curtains the stock numbers are: 69-33918-8 REF, 69-33918-9 REF-F and 69-33918-10 REF-F.


  • Anatomically – Meaning items removed are placed on a table in the same position as they were when they were in place.

  • Curtain Arc – the semi circular arc that the dust curtains are attached to.

  • OEM – Original Equipment Manufacture (aka real aircraft part).

  • Plastic Arc Retainer – A piece of heavy duty plastic shaped as a curve (arc).

Major Differences Between Classic and Next Generation Throttle Quadrants

There is little mistaking the tell-tale white-coloured handles and skirts of the Next Generation Throttle

The advent of high quality reproduction parts that marry with advanced avionics suites, such as ProSim-AR and Sim Avionics, has led many flight simulator enthusiasts to strive closer to Microsoft’s claim ‘as real as it gets’.

The availability of OEM parts formally used in classic airframes has never been greater, and many enthusiasts are purchasing various parts and converting them to flight simulator use.

The ‘holy grail’ of conversion has always been the Boeing throttle unit, and depending upon individual requirements, many older style throttle units have been retrofitted to appear very similar, if not near-identical, to their Next Generation counterparts.

This article will compare and contrast the major differences between the Boeing 737 classic throttle and the Next Generation throttle.  The word classic is usually used to refer to airframes belonging to the 200, 300, 400 and 500 series.  The Next Generation (NG) refers to the Boeing 600, 700, 800 and 900 series.

Boeing 727-100 throttle quadrant.  Although there are obvious differences in that the 727 has three engines, the overall design and appearance of the quadrant is very similar to its modern counterpart.  Image copyright to Keven Walchle

Historical Context

The throttle quadrant observed in a modern airliner has relatively old roots. 

The fore bearer of the Next Generation throttle was designed in the late 50's and early 60's and was initially used in the Boeing 707 airframe.  As aircraft types evolved, throttle design remained relatively static with similar-designed throttles being used in the Boeing 727, 717 and 737 series aircraft.

The B737-100 made its debut in April 1968, to be followed shortly by the 200 series with a slightly longer fuselage.  During the 1980’s Boeing released the classic series of airframes (300 through to 500 series). 

During this time, the technology altered little and the design of the throttle quadrant reflected the ability of Boeing to reuse existing technology with minimal alterations.  This principle of reuse can save a company millions of dollars in redesign and development costs.

This Goes With That (Compare and Contrast)

The Boeing 737-800 Next Generation is the airframe that many enthusiasts strive to duplicate in a flight simulator.  The reason for this two-fold.  First, the Next Generation is the most umbilicus aircraft flown today, and second, the availability of software that mimics the avionics suite in this aircraft.

However, Next Generation parts are difficult to find, and when found are expensive to procure.  Fortunately for the simulation community, a throttle will function correctly in flight simulator no matter what airframe the throttle originated.

Many of the nuances between a classic and Next Generation throttle quadrant are subtle, and for the most part only the more knowledgeable will notice.  

The more obvious highlights of the Next Generation are the white-coloured thrust lever shrouds, TOGA button assembly, détentes flaps arc, speedbrake lever knob, and the moulded white-coloured side panels and panniers of the lower part of the throttle unit.  Whilst it's possible to alter many of the attributes of a classic throttle to conform with those of an Next Generation, not every part can be easily transformed.  For example, the flaps détentes arc between the classic and Next Generation is very different in design and appearance, and cannot be altered.

TABLE 1: Overview to the main visual differences between the classic and Next Generation throttle quadrants (courtesy Karl Penrose who kindly allowed the use of photographs taken of his 600 series throttle).  Note that there may be other subtle differences, some visual and others in design/operation. 

The table doesn't address the center pedestal as pedestals vary greatly between airframes. 

Retrofit refers to the level of difficulty it is to make the classic throttle appear similar to the Next Generation. Yes meaning it is possible and no, for the most part, meaning it is not possible.


TABLE 1: an overview to the main visual differences between the classic and Next Generation throttle quadrants


1Erratum:  The trim wheels on the Next Generation are slightly smaller in circumference to those of the Classic series.

2  The words 'level of difficulty' is subjective; it depends on numerous factors such as experience and knowledge – neither of which is identical between individuals.

Important Point:

  • By far the most challenging hurdle during a Next Generation refit is the the alteration of the throttle lever shrouds and the TOGA button assembly.

Final Call

The differences between a classic and Next Generation throttles are largely cosmetic with some subtle design and operational differences.  Retrofitting a classic throttle to appear similar to a Next Generation throttle is possible.  However, there will be some things that probably won't be altered, such as the speedbrake lever handle, stab trim indicator tabs, side mouldings, panniers and flap détentes arc.  

This said, the ability to use an OEM throttle, no matter from which airframe, far supersedes any reproduction unit on the market.  OEM throttles are sturdy, robust and well-built.  Unless you do something particularly foolish, you won't damage an OEM throttle.

BELOW:  Two image galleries showing the various differences between the classic and Next Generation throttle quadrants.  Thanks to Karl Penrose who kindly allowed the use of photographs taken of his 600 series throttle.  To stop the slideshow, click the image and navigate by the numbered squares beneath the image.

Boeing 737 Classic Series Throttle Quadrant


Boeing 737 Next Generation Series Throttle Quadrant


  • Updated 21 June 2020.

Throttle Quadrant Rebuild - Four Speed Stab Trim and Stab Trim Indicator Tabs

Captain-side stab trim wheel with manual trim handle extended.  The white line on the trim wheel is an aid to indicate that the trim wheels are rotating

This post will document several changes that have been made to enable the stab trim wheels to utilise four speeds.  I will also discuss several problems that were encountered and their solution.  Finally, I will provide some possible reasons for the erratic behavior of the stab trim indicator tabs.

In the previous throttle unit, the power to rotate the trim wheels was from a inexpensive 12 Volt pump motor, and the forward and aft rotation speed of the stab trim wheels was controlled by an I/O card.  The system worked well, but the single speed was far from realistic.

The upgrade to the throttle quadrant enables the stab trim wheels to rotate at four speeds which are identical to the speeds observed in a Boeing aircraft.  The speed is controlled by three adjustable speed controller cards, five relays and a Phidget 0/0/8 interface card – all of which are mounted within the Throttle Interface Module (TIM).  

To generate the torque required to rotate the trim wheels at varying speeds, the pump motor was replaced with an encoder capable 12 volt dual polarity brush motor.  The replacement motor is mounted on a customized bracket attached to the inside frame of the throttle unit.  This style of motor is often used in the robotics industry.

Boeing Rotation Speed

The speed at which the trim wheels rotate is identical to the Boeing specification for the NG series airframe.  Simply written, it is:

(i)     Manual trim  - speed without flaps (slow speed);

(ii)    Manual trim  - speed with flaps extended (very fast speed);

(iii)   Autopilot trim  - speed without flaps extended (very slow speed); and,

(iv)   Autopilot trim - speed with flaps extended (faster speed than iii but not as fast as ii).

To determine the correct number of revolutions, each trim wheel cycle was measured using an electronic tachometer.  Electronic tachometers are often used in the automobile industry to time an engine by measuring the number of revolutions made by the flywheel.

It is important to understand that it is not the rotation speed of the trim wheels which is important, but more the speed at which the aircraft is trimmed.  With flaps extended, the time taken to trim the aircraft is much quicker than the time taken if the flaps were retracted.

Electric stab trim switch on Captain-side yoke.  Whenever the trim is engaged the stab trim wheels will rotate with a corresponding movement in the stab trim indicator tabs

Is There a Noticeable Difference Between the Four Speeds

There is definitely a noticeable difference between the speed that the trim wheels rotate at their slowest speed and fastest speed; however, the difference is subtle when comparing the intermediate speeds.

Design and Perils of Stab Trim

If you speak to any real-world pilot that flies Boeing style aircraft, they all agree upon a dislike for the spinning of the trim wheels.  The wheels as they rotate are noisy, are a distraction, and in some instances can be quite dangerous, especially if your hand is resting on the wheel and the trim is engaged automatically by the autopilot.  This is not to mention the side handle used to manually rotate the trim wheels, which if left extended, can easily damage your knee, during an automatic trimming operation.

If you look at the Airbus which is the primary rival of Boeing, the trim wheels pale by comparison; they are quiet, rotate less often, and are in no way obtrusive.  So why is this case?

Boeing when they deigned the classic and NG series aircraft did not design the throttle unit anew.  Rather, they elected to build upon existing technology which had changed little since the introduction of the Boeing 707.  This saved the company considerable expense.

Airbus, on the other hand, designed their throttle system from the ground-up and incorporated smaller and less obtrusive trim wheels from the onset.

Interestingly, Boeing in their design of the Dreamliner have revamped the design of the stab trim wheels and the new design incorporates smaller, quieter and less obtrusive trim wheels than in the earlier Boeing airframes – no doubt the use of automated and computer controlled systems has removed the need for such a loud and visually orientated system.

Problems Encountered (Teething Issues)

Three problems were encountered when the trim wheels were converted to use four speeds.  They were:

(i)      Excessive vibration when the trim wheels rotate at the fastest speed;

(ii)     Inconsistency with two of the speeds caused when CMD A/B is engaged; and,

(iii)    Fluttering (spiking) of the stab trim indicator tabs when the electric stab trim switch was engaged in the down position.

Point (i) is discussed immediately below while points (ii) and (iii), which are interrelated, have been discussed together.

(i)    Excessive vibration

When the trim wheels rotate at their highest speed there is considerable vibration generated, which causes the throttle quadrant to shake slightly on its mounts.

Stab trim wheel cog and mechanism (before cleaned) from the First Officer side.  The picture shows some of the internal parts that move (and vibrate) when the trim wheels rotate at very high speeds.  The high and narrow shape of the throttle unit is easily noted

One of the reasons for the excessive vibration becomes obvious when you compare the mounting points for the throttle quadrant in a homemade simulator to those found in a real aircraft – the later has several solid attachment points between the throttle unit, the center pedestal, the main instrument panel (CDU Bay), and the rigid floor of the flight deck. 

In a simulator, replicating these attachment points can be difficult.   Also, the throttle is a relatively high yet narrow structure and any vibration will be exacerbated higher in the structure.

Another reason for the cause of the vibrations is the material used to produce the center pedestal.  In the classic airframe the material used was aluminum; however, in the NG carbon fiber is used, which is far more flexible than aluminum.  Any vibration caused by the rotation of the trim wheels has a tendency to become amplified as it travels to the less rigid center pedestal and then to the floor of the flight deck.


Solving the vibration issue is uncomplicated – provide stronger, additional, and more secure mounting points for the throttle quadrant and the attached center pedestal, or slow the rotation of the trim wheels to a more acceptable speed.  Another option is to replace the platform’s floor with a heavier grade of steel or aluminum.  This would enable the throttle quadrant and center pedestal to be attached to the floor structure more securely.  However, this would add significant weight to the structure.  In my opinion, a heavy steel floor is excessive.

By far the simplest solution, is to reduce the fastest speed at which the trim wheels rotate.  The rotation speed can be altered, by the turn of the screwdriver, on one of three speed controller cards mounted within the Throttle Interface Module (TIM).

For those individuals using a full flight deck including a shell, the excessive vibration is probably not going to be an issue as the shell provides additional holding points in which to secure the throttle quadrant, MIP and floor structure.

(ii)    Inconsistency with two of the speeds caused when CMA A/B is engaged

When the autopilot (CMD A/B) was selected and engaged on the MCP, the rotation of the trim wheels would rotate at an unacceptable very high speed (similar to run-away trim).  

The mechanics of this issue was that when the autopilot was engaged, the electronics was not activating the relay that is responsible for engaging the speed controller card.

(iii)       Fluttering of the stab trim indicators

When the electric stab trim switch was depressed to the down position, it was observed that the stab trim indicator tabs would often flutter.  Although the fluttering was mechanical and had no bearing on the trim accuracy, or speed at which the aircraft was trimmed, it was visually distracting.

A possible cause for the run-away trim was electromagnetic interference (RF) generated by the high torque of the trim motor.  The higher than normal values of RF were being  ‘picked up’ by the relay card, which were causing the relay to not activate when the autopilot was engaged.  Similarly, the fluttering of the stab trim indicator tabs, was thought to have been caused by RF interfering with the servo motor.

There were several possibilities for RF leakage.

(i)     The high torque of the motor was generating and releasing too much RF;

(ii)    The wire lumen that accommodates the cabling for the throttle is mounted proximal to the servo motor.  If the lumen was leaking RF, then this may have interfered with the operation of the servo motor;

(iii)    The servo motor was not digital and did not have an RF shield attached;

(iv)   The straight-through cable from the Throttle Communication Module (TCM) to the Throttle Interface Module (TIM) did not have RF interference nodules attached to the cable.


To counter the unwanted RF energy several modifications were made:

(i)     Three non-polarized ceramic capacitors were placed across the connections of the trim wheel motor;

(ii)    The analogue servo motor was replaced with a higher-end digital servo with an RF shield;

(iii)   The straight-through cable between the TIM and TCM was replaced with a cable that included high quality RF nodes; and,

(iv)   The wires from the servo motor were re-routed and shielded to ensure they were not lying alongside the wire lumen.

Manual Trimming

Manual trimming (turning the trim wheels by hand) is not implemented in the throttle quadrant, but a future upgrade may incorporate this feature.

Stab trim cut out switches with spring-loaded cover open on main and closed on autopilot

Cut-out Stab Trim Button (throttle mounted)

In the earlier conversion, the stab trim cut-out toggle was not functional and the toggle had been programmed to switch off the circuit that powers the rotation of the trim wheels.  Having the ability to disconnect the rotation of the trim wheels is paramount when flying at night, as the noisy trim wheels kept family members awake.

The new conversion does not incorporate this feature as the trim cut-out toggle is fully functional.  Rather, a push-to-engage, green-coloured LED button has been installed to the forward side of the Throttle Interface Module (TIM).  The button is connected to a relay, which will either open or close the 12 volt circuit responsible for directing power to the trim motor.

Stab trim indicator tabs (Captain side).  The throttle is from  B737-500.  The indicator tabs on the NG airframe are slightly different - they are more slender and pointed

Stab Trim Indicator Tabs

The method used to convert the stab trim indicators has not been altered, with the exception of replacing the analogue servo with a RF protected digital servo (to stop RF interference).  

LEFT:  Stab trim indicator tabs (Captain side).  The throttle is from  B737-500.  The indicator tabs on the NG airframe are slightly different - they are more slender and pointed (click to enlarge).

To review, a servo motor and a Phidget advanced servo card have been used to enable the stab trim tab indicators to move in synchronization to the revolution and position of the stab trim wheels.  The servo card is mounted within the Throttle Interface Module (TIM) and the servo motor is mounted on the Captain-side of the throttle unit adjacent to the trim wheel.  There is nothing exceptional about the conversion of the stab trim indicator tabs and the conversion is, more or less, a stock standard.

Is Variable Rotation Speed Important to Simulate

As discussed earlier, it is not the actual rotation of the trim wheels that is important, but more the speed at which the aircraft is trimmed.   In other words, the speed at which the trim wheels rotate dictates the time that is taken for the aircraft to be trimmed.  

If the trim wheels are rotating slowly, the movement of the stab trim indicator tabs will be slow, and it will take longer for the aircraft to be trimmed.  Conversely, if the rotation is faster the stab trim indicator tabs will move faster and the aircraft will be trimmed much more quickly.

Stab Trim Wheel Braking

The amperage of the motor is controlled by a motor controller card; a lower amperage ensures the trim wheel rotates slowly while a high amperage causes the trim wheel to rotate faster.  A brake has not been used to stop the rotation of the trim wheel and the wheel rotation stops by inertia or by pushing the electric trim switch (forward or reverse). 

A future upgrade may look at using a dynaclutch system or magnetic braking.  Another method to install braking is to use software rather than a mechanical system.  A motor controller card with a H-Bridge circuit (not available at the time of conversion) could also possibly be used as a brake to stop the trim wheel rotation when the electric trim switch is relesed.

Final Call - is Four-speed Trim Worthwhile

Most throttle conversions implement only one speed for the forward and aft rotation of the trim wheels with the conversion being relatively straightforward.

Converting the throttle unit to use four speeds has not been without problems, with the main issue being the excessive vibration caused by the faster rotation speed.  Nevertheless, it is only in rare instances, such as when the stab trim is engaged for longer than a few seconds at a time, and at the fastest rotation speed, that the vibration becomes an issue.  If the rotation for the fastest speed is reduced, any vibration issues are alleviated – the downside to this being the fastest speed does not replicate the correct Boeing rotation speed.

For enthusiasts wishing to replicate real aircraft systems, there is little excuse for not implementing four-speed trim, however, for the majority of flight deck builders I believe that two-speed trim, is more than adequate.


Below is a short video, which demonstrates the smooth movement of the stab trim indicator tabs from the fully forward to fully aft position.  The video is only intended to present the functionality of the unit and is not to represent in-flight settings.


737 Throttle Quadrant trim tab indicator movement


Below is short video that demonstrates two of the four rotation speeds used.  In the example, manual trim is has been engaged, beginning with flaps UP, flaps extended, and then flaps UP again.  The rotation speed of the trim wheels with flaps extended (in this case to flaps 1) is faster than the rotation speed with flaps UP.  The video does not reflect in-flight operations and is only to present the functionality of the unit in question.


737 Throttle Quadrant variable speed of trim wheels



  • Electromagnetic Interference (RF) – RF is a disturbance that affects an electrical circuit due to either electromagnetic induction or electromagnetic radiation  emitted from an external source (see Wikipedia definition).

  • MCP – Mode Control Panel.

  • MIP – Main Instrument Panel.

  • Stab Trim Indicator Tabs – The two metal pointed indicators located on the throttle unit immediately adjacent to the %CG light plate.  If not using a workable throttle unit, then these tabs maybe located in the lower EICAS as a custom user option.

  • Servo Motor – Refers to the motor that powers the stab trim indicator tabs.

  • Trim Motor – Refers to the motor that powers the stab trim wheels.

Throttle Quadrant Rebuild - Parking Brake Mechanism Replacement, Improvement, and Operation

Parking brake lever in the UP engaged position.  The red incandescent bulb is 28 volts, however, a 12 volt bulb can be used.  Throttle is Boeing OEM

As part of the throttle quadrant rebuild, the parking brake system was enhanced.  In the previous system, the parking brake lever was controlled by a relay and a 12 volt solenoid.  The system worked well, however, there were some minor differences between the simulated system and that of the system used in the real Boeing aircraft.

Furthermore, as it was predominately a software system, any change to the avionics suite would affect its operation.

To understand more fully the mechanical linkages used, please read the article regarding the previous system 737 Parking Brake Mechanism.

Revamped System

There has been minimal alteration to the mechanical system, with the exception that the solenoid has been replaced by a 12 volt actuator, a micro-switch has replaced the toggle switch, and the system now requires the toe brakes to be depressed to engage the parking brake.

The actuator is partially visible; the blue coloured mechanism.  The parking brake vertical control rod, micro limit switch and upper part of the high tensile spring can be to seen to the lower right

What is an Actuator

An actuator is a type of motor that is responsible for moving or controlling a mechanism or system.  It is operated by a source of energy, typically electric current, hydraulic fluid pressure, or pneumatic pressure, and converts that energy into motion.

Almost every modern automobile has a door lock actuator which is responsible for the locking and unlocking of the door locks.  This website 'How Stuff Works' provides a very good overview of how an actuator works.

The actuator is responsible for maintaining the parking brake lever in the UP position.  This occurs when the circuit is closed and 12 volt power is briefly directed to the actuator to lock the device into the engaged position. 

The actuator used is an automotive door lock actuator - code BOLA-2 by Bullz-Audio (amazon link).

closer view of the mounted acctuator

System Overview

The actuator is the mechanism that enables the parking brake lever to be locked into the UP position.  Without power, the actuator is in the resting position and the parking brake lever is pulled to the DOWN position by a high tensile spring.

The annunciator is mounted horizontally on the Captain-side of the throttle quadrant and is powered by 12 volts.

To connect the actuator to the parking brake system, the following items have been used:

  • An actuator;

  • A micro-limit switch;

  • A relay;

  • A 12 volt power supply and busbar;

  • A standard interface card (Leo Bodnar BU0836A Joystick Controller card); and,

  • Depending upon your requirements (mechanical or part mechanical system), a Phidget 0/0/8 card (1017_1).

Registration of Parking Brake Movement

After the parking brake lever has been wired to the BU0836A card, it must be registered in Windows.  After this has been completed, the parking brake lever can be assigned in ProSim737, P3D, or FSUIPC.

Micro-Switch and Relay

Two items are used to control whether power enters the circuit: a micro-switch and a double throw relay.

A micro-switch is used to open or close the circuit when the parking brake lever is raised or lowered.

The micro-switch has been mounted proximal to the vertical control rod, and when the parking brake is is in the DOWN position, the connectors from the micro switch are touching a flange that has been attached to the rod, however, when the parking brake lever is moved to the UP position, the connection is severed (circuit open or closed). 

The relay is connected to the toe brakes, and when the brakes are depressed, the relay will close.  Conversely, when the brakes are released the relay will open.  The connection of the relay to the toe brakes can be done a number of ways, but probably the easiest way is to install a button or micro-switch to the toe brakes. 

The mechanism, to function correctly, requires that the micro-switch be closed and the parking brake lever be in the raised position. The micro-switch will receive power only when the relay is closed (toe brakes depressed) and the micro-switch is closed (parking lever raised).

In short, the relay (open/closed) is triggered by the movement of the toe brakes and the relay, either enables or inhibits 12 volt power to flow into the circuit, and this is dependent upon the whether the toe brakes are depressed.

The reason for this set-up will be understood shortly.

Toe Brakes

In the real aircraft, the parking brakes can only be engaged or disengaged when the Captain-side or First Officer-side toe brakes are depressed.  This mechanical system has been faithfully replicated by using a relay, micro-switch and actuator.

How It Works

The actuator will only engage when the toe brakes are depressed.  This means that the parking brake cannot be engaged (lever locked in the UP position with red annunciator on) or disengaged (lever in DOWN position with red annunciator off) unless the toe brakes are depressed. 

Depressing or releasing the toe brakes closes or opens the relay which in turn enables 12 volt power to reach the annunciator via the busbar.  However, the system is only 'live' (closed system) when the parking brake lever is moved to the UP position, enabling power to flow unhindered through the circuit.  When the toe brakes are released, the circuit is open and the actuator remains in the engaged locked position with the parking brake lever locked in the UP position.

To release the parking brake lever, the opposite occurs.  When the toe brakes are depressed, the relay opens directing power to the actuator which disengaged the actuator lock.  The parking brake lever is then pulled to the DOWN position by the tensile spring.

How To Engage The Parking Brake

The method used to engage the parking brake is as follows:

  1. Slightly depress the toe brakes.  This will open the relay and enable 12 volts to engage the actuator;

  2. Raise the parking brake lever to the UP position and hold it in this position; and,

  3. Release the toe brakes.  Releasing pressure on the toe brakes causes the actuator to lock into the engaged position, as the power ceases to flow to the actuator.

To release the parking brake, the toe brakes are depressed.  This will cause the actuator to unlock and return to its resting position.  The high tensile spring will pull the parking brake lever to the DOWN position with a loud snapping sound.

More Ways To Skin A Cat - Full Mechanical or Part-Mechanical

There are several methods that can be used to connect the actuator to the parking brake mechanism. No one method is better than the other.  I have outlined two methods. A Phidget 0/0/8 card can also be used, but this method is slightly more convoluted.

(1)   Mechanical Method: This has been described above and requires minimal software.

The toe brakes have a micro-switch that connects to a relay, busbar/12 volts power source and the actuator. 

The parking brake lever needs to be wired directly to an interface card, registered in Windows, and the l;ever assigned in ProSim-AR, FSX, or FSUIPC.

(2)  Part-mechanical/Software Controlled: This involves using the USER section in the configuration menu within ProSim-AR.

A Phidgets 0/0/8 relay card is connected to ProSim-AR and the the USER interface section in the ProSim737 is used to register the movement of the toe brakes.  Using a Phidget card removes the need to install a micro-switch or button to the toe brakes.

The USER interface section can be found in the ProSim737 configuration menu. As an example, USER 1 will be used. Each USER IN has a corresponding USER OUT and this is located in GATES.  Opening Configuration/Gates, the same USER number is found (USER 1).  In the tab beside USER 1 the output from the Phidgets 0/0/8 card is entered.  Therefore, whenever USER 1 is triggered, there will be a corresponding output from the Phidget card.

When the toe brakes are depressed, the software will read the movement and send a signal to the Phidget card to engage the relay.  This in turn will enable the busbar to be powered and the micro-switch to receive power.  Whether the parking brake lever is engaged (UP) or disengaged (DOWN) will open or close the relay controlling the micro-switch (closing or opening the circuit).  

The actuator will be engaged (circuit closed) only if the micro-switch (located on the vertical rod mentioned earlier) connection is severed (parking brake lever is in the raised position closing the circuit).

Actuator Power and Caution LED

The 12 volt actuator is connected to the 12 volt busbar in the Throttle Communication Module (TCM) and then, via a straight-through cable, to the Throttle Interface Module (TIM).  The relay for the parking brake mechanism is located in the TIM.

The design of an actuator is such, that it will burn out if continuous power is applied to the mechanism for an extended time. However, if the parking brake is used correctly, the actuator will only receive power for a short period of time when the toe brakes are depressed and the parking brake lever is raised at the same time.

To combat against the unforeseen event of power being continuously supplied to the actuator, for example by a relay that is stuck in the open (on) position, a coloured LED has been fitted to the front of the Throttle Communication Module (TCM).  This flashing purple coloured LED illuminates only when the circuit is closed and the actuator is receiving 12 volt power. If the LED is always on it indicates a problem in the system.

Important Point:

  • Two terms often confused are open circuit and closed in relation to an electrical circuit.

Any circuit which is not complete is considered an open circuit.  Conversely, a circuit is considered to be a closed circuit when electricity flows from an energy source to the desired endpoint of the circuit.

Conversely, a closed relay means it allows voltage to travel through it, while an open relay is the opposite.

Additional Information

Like many things, there are several ways to accomplish the same or a similar task.  The following posts located in the ProSim737 forum discuss the conversion of the parking brake lever.

  • How To Make Your Own Parking Brake Release

  • Parking Brake Logic

  • This article is one of several that explain the conversion of the OEM Throttle Quadrant

  • NOTE:  Since publication, ProSim-AR has incorporated into their software a parking brake release 'command'.  This by-passes the need to use the USER OUT settings mentioned above.  The command is set to the output on the Phidget 0/0/8 card.  The parking brake release can be found in the Configuration/Gates menu.  (MORE TO COME - under construction).

  • Updated 04 January 2025

Throttle Quadrant Rebuild - Speedbrake Motor and Clutch Assembly Replacement

The motor that provides the power to move the speedbrake lever is attached via a slipper clutch to the speedbrake control rod. The slipper clutch can easily be adjusted and if set correctly provides the correct torque required for the speedbrake lever to move.   Below the motor is the Throttle Communication Module (TCM) that accommodates, amongst other things, the relays that are used by the logic to control the speedbrake lever's movement

The mechanics of the speedbrake system has been completely overhauled, however, the logic that controls the speedbrake has remained ss it was. 

Several problems developed in the earlier conversion that could not be successfully rectified.  In particular, the speed of the speedbrake lever when deployed was either too fast, too slow, or did not move at all, and the clutch mechanism frequently became loose. 

Other minor issues related to the condition korrys that illuminate when the speedbrake is either armed or extended; these korrys did not always illuminate at the correct times.

Rather than continually‘tweak the earlier system, it was decided to replace the motor and clutch assembly with a more advanced and reliable system. To solve the arming issue, a linear throw potentiometer has been used to enable accurate calibration of the speedbrake lever in Prosim737.

To read about the first conversion and learn a little more about closed-loop systems and how the speedbrake works, please read the companion article PRIOR to reading this article.  This article only addresses the changes made to the system and builds on information discussed in the other article: 737 Throttle Quadrant  Speedbrake Conversion and Use

Motor and Clutch Assembly

A 12 volt motor is used to power the speed brake.  The motor is mounted forward of the throttle unit above the Throttle Communication Module (TCM).  The wiring from the motor is routed, in a lumen through the throttle firewall to a 12 volt busbar and several relays.  The relays, mounted inside the TCM, are dedicated to the speedbrake. 

Attached to the 12 volt motor is a slipper-clutch assembly, similar in design to the slipper clutches used in the movement of the two throttle thrust levers.  The clutch can easily be loosed or tightened (using a pair of padded pliers) to provide the correct torque on the speedbrake lever, and once set will not become loose (unless exposed to constant vibration). 

diagram 1: slipper clutch cross section

The slipper clutch and bearings have been commercially made.

A linear throw potentiometer has been mounted on the Captain-side of the quadrant.  The potentiometer enables the movement of the speedbrake lever to be finely calibrated in ProSim737

Speedbrake Mechanics

In the real Boeing 737 aircraft, buttons are located beneath the metal arc that the speedbrake travels.  If you listen carefully you can hear the buttons clicking as the lever moves over the button.  These on/off buttons activate as the speedbrake lever travels over them, triggering logic that causes the speedbrake to move.

This system has been replicated by using strategically placed micro-buttons beneath the speedbrake lever arc.  As the speedbrake lever moves over one of the buttons, the button will trigger a relay to either open or close (on/off).  To replicate the speedbrake system requires the use of 4 relays (speedbrake armed, stowed, engaged on landing, or placed in the UP position). A Phidget 0/0/8 relay card has been used and this card is mounted inside the Throttle Communication Module (TCM).

Speedbrake Korry (armed and extended)

The speedbrake system is a closed system, meaning it does not require the avionics suite (ProSim737) to operate. However, the illumination of the condition lights (speedbrake armed and extended on the MIP) is not part of the closed loop system and the korrys must be configured in ProSim737 (switches/indicators). 

An easy workaround to include the arm korry to the closed loop system is to install a micro-switch beneath the speedbrake lever arc. The position of the micro-switch needs to correspond to the position of the lever when it is moved to the armed position.  Then, when the level travels over the micro-switch the arm korry will illuminate.

Speedbrake Operation

To connect the mechanical system to the avionics, a linear throw potentiometer has been connected to a Leo Bodnar BU0836A Joystick Controller card.  This enables the movement of the speedbrake lever to be calibrated in such a way that corresponds to the illumination of the korrys and the extension of the spoilers on the flight model.  The potentiometer has been mounted to the throttle superstructure on the Captain-side.

Using a potentiometer enables the DOWN and ARM position to be precisely calibrated in ProSim737 (config/throttle & MCP/Levers).

The following conditions will cause the speedbrake lever to deploy from the DOWN to the UP position.

  1. When the aircraft lands and the squat switch is activated;

  2. During a Rejected Takeoff (RTO).  This assumes that the autobrake selector switch has been set to RTO, there is active wheel spin, and the groundspeed exceeds 80 knots; and,

  3. If the reverse thrust is engaged with a positive wheel spin and a ground speed in excess of 100 knots.

Point 3 is worth expanding upon.  The speedbrake system (in the real aircraft) has a built-in redundancy in that if the flight crew forget to arm the speedbrake and make a landing, the system will automatically engage the spoilers when reverse thrust is engaged.  This redundant system was installed into the Next Generation airframe after several occurrences of pilots forgetting to arm the speedbrake prior to landing.  

Therefore, the speedbrake will deploy on landing either by activation of the squat switch (if the speedbrake was armed), or when reverse thrust is applied.

Speedbrake Logic

The following logic have been programmed into the logic that controls the operation of the speedbrake.

  1. Rejected Take Off (RTO).  RTO can occur after the 80 knots call-out.  Spoilers will extend to the UP position when reverse thrust is applied.  The speedbrake lever moves to UP position on throttle quadrant.  RTO must be armed prior to takeoff roll;

  2. Spoilers extend on landing when the squat switch is activated.  For this to occur, both throttle thrust levers must be at idle (at their stops).  The speedbrake lever must also be in the armed position prior to landing.  The speedbrake lever moves to the UP position;

  3. Spoilers extend automatically and the speedbrake lever moves to the UP position when reverse thrust is applied;

  4. Spoilers close and the speedbrake lever moves to the DOWN position when the thrust levers are advanced after landing (auto-stow); and,

  5. Speedbrakes extend incrementally in the air dependent on the lever position (flight detent).

The logic for the speedbrake is 'hardwired' into the Alpha Quadrant card.  The logic has not changed from what it was previously.

Speedbrake Lever Speed

When the speedbrake lever is engaged, the speed at which lever moves is quite fast.  The term ‘biscuit cutter’ best describes the energy that is generated when the lever is moving; it certainly will break a biscuit in two as well as a lead pencil.  Speaking of lead pencils, I have been told a favorite trick of pilots from yesteryear, was to rest a pencil on the throttle stop so that when the speedbrake engaged the pencil would be snapped in two by the lever!

The actuator that controls the movement of the speedbrake.  This image was taken from beneath the floor structure of a Boeing 600 aircraft.  Image copyright to Karl Penrose

In the real Boeing 737 aircraft the movement of the lever is marginally slower and is controlled by an electrically operated actuator (28 volts DC). 

In theory, the slower speed that the speedbrake lever moves in the real aircraft should be able to be duplicated; for example, by suppressing the voltage from the 12 volt motor using a capacitor, using a power supply lower than 12 volts, or by using speed controllers.  These alternatives have yet to be trialed.

It is unfortunate that most throttle quadrants available to the simulation community do not include the actuator.  The actuator is not part of the throttle unit itself, but is located in the forward section under the flight deck.  The actuator is then connected to the speedbrake mechanism unit via a mechanical linkage.

In the real aircraft, the speedbrake lever and actuator provide the input via cables, that in-turn actuate the speedbrakes.  There is no feedback directly from the hydraulics and all operation is achieved either by manual or electric input of the speedbrake lever.

Actuator Sound

The sound of the actuator engaging can easily heard in the flight deck when the speedbrake engages (listen to the below video).  To replicate this sound, the sound of the actuator engaging was recorded.  The .wav sound file was then uploaded into the ProSim737 audio file library and configured to play when the speedbrake is commanded to move (squat switch).  

The .wav file can be shortened or lengthened to match the speed that the lever moves. 


I realize this and the companion article are probably confusing to understand.  In essence this is how the speedbrake operates (in no particular order):

  • A potentiometer enables accurate calibration (in ProSim737) of the DOWN and ARM position of the speedbreak lever.  This enables the condition korrys to illuminate at the correct time.

  • Micro-buttons have been installed beneath the arc that the speedbrake lever travels.  The position of each button, is in the same position as the on/off buttons used by Boeing  (the buttons are still present and you can hear them click as the speedbrake lever moves across a button).

  • The micro-buttons are connected to a Phidget 0/0/8 relay card (4 relays).  The relay card is located within the Throttle Communication Module (TCM).

  • The speedbrake system is a closed-loop system and does not require ProSim737 to operate.

  • The logic for the system has been programmed directly into the Alpha Quadrant card mounted in the Throttle Interface Module (TIM).  This logic triggers relays, located in the Throttle Communication Module (TCM) to turn either on or off as the speedbrake lever travels over the micro-buttons.  This is exactly how it's done in the real aircraft.

  • The speedbrake moves from the ARM position to the UP position when the squat switch is triggered (when the landing gear touches the runway).  The squat switch is a configured in ProSim737 (config/gate/squat switch).


The upper video demonstrates the movement of the speedbrake lever.    The lower video, courtesy of U-Tube, shows the actual movement of the lever in a real Boeing aircraft.

The video is not intended for operational use, but has been shown to demonstrate the features of the speedbrake system.

If you listen carefully to both videos, you will note a difference in the noise that the actuator generates.  I have been informed that the 'whine' noise made by the actuator is slightly different depending upon the aircraft frame; the actuator in the older classic series Boeing being more of a high whine in comparison to the actuator in the Next Generation aircraft.


737-500 automated speedbrake deployment



  • Condition(s) - A term referring to a specific parameter that is required to enable an action to occur.

  • FSUIPC - Flight Simulator Universal Inter-Process Communication.  A fancy term for software that interfaces between the flight simulator programme and other outside programmes.

  • Speedbrake Lever Arc - The curved arc that the speedbrake lever travels along.

  • Updated 11 July 2020.

  • Updated 03 January 2025

Boeing Nut Cracker - Loosening Stab Trim Wheel Nuts

Boeing Nut Cracker - two raised lugs fit firmly into their opposite number to enable the stab trim wheel nut to be easily loosened or tightened

Any industry has tools that have been designed for a specific task – whether it is for automotive, construction or aviation.  

Specialist tools enable a particular job to be accomplished quickly and effectively with the minimum of fuss.  More importantly, damage to a part is less likely when using a specialised tool. 

A person who makes tools usually has a trade certificate and those who are gifted in this area are called boiler makers; a gifted boiler maker can literally make anything.

Captain-side stab trim wheel nut showing recessed indentations on the nut.  The screwed rod (tip showing in photograph) is ~40 cm in length and is inserted through one of the  trim wheels, through the throttle quadrant, and is then secured by the unique nut on the opposite trim wheel

Stab Trim Wheel Nut

The stab trim wheels have two nuts that hold the trim wheels in place - one on each side of the throttle quadrant.  When attempting to remove the trim wheel nut it is a good idea to use a tool, as the nut can be easily damaged (burred).

The nut has two shallow indentations each side of it to enable it to be firmly tightened. 

Often the nut is over-tightened by the continual rotation of the trim wheels, or by an overzealous technician applying more force than they should.  If the nut has been over tightened, removing the trim wheels can be difficult. 

A common man’s blade screwdriver can be used to loosen the nut, by applying the blade to one side of the two indentations, grasping the trim wheel firmly and turning the driver.  But, do not be surprised if the recessed indents are damaged, the screwdriver slips and scratches something, or worse you end up with the blade of the screwdriver through your hand!

Boeing Specialised Tool

Boeing technicians use a specialised tool to loosen and tighten the nuts that hold the trim wheels in place – no doubt it also has a special name (?).  This tool, like all specialist tools is expensive, and more so because it is used in the aviation industry. 

I explained the problem to a friend of mine who like a ‘genie in a bottle’, designed and made this small tool for me.  It is not fancy or technical, but it does the job it has been designed to do especially well – every time. 

The tool is made from aluminium with two raised indentations that fit into the two recessed indentations on the trim wheel nut.  A simple shaft placed through a drilled hole in the stem of the tool enables the user to apply enough leverage to 'crack' all but the most resistant of trim wheel nuts. 

The heavy duty cog wheel that the trim wheels are secured to.  When removing the trim wheels it is very important not to dislodge the cog as the bearings on the inner side of the cog will fall out of alignment

Caution - Removing the Trim Wheels from the Main Shaft 

Whenever the trim wheels have to be removed from the throttle quadrant, it is very important not to dislodge the cog by pushing or pulling the shaft through the throttle unit.  This is relatively easy to do as often the trim wheels adhere to the cog.

Attached to the cog (inside the throttle unit) are several bearings, which if dislodged, will fall out of alignment.  The bearings are important to the correct functioning of the trim wheels and it is very difficult, if not impossible, to reinstall the bearings after they have fallen out of place.

When removing the trim wheels, carefully 'jiggle' the trim wheel until it works its way loose of the cog - never forcefully pull the trim wheel outwards as the cog and shaft may come out of the throttle unit, allowing the bearings to fall out of alignment.  Furthermore, be mindful that when you remove one of the trim wheels the other may rotate forward or backwards due to centrifugal force.

Before replacing the trim wheels, to help avoid the wheel from sticking to the shaft and cog, apply an amount of grease to the cog teeth.


on 2016-05-26 00:01 by FLAPS 2 APPROACH

This tool has now been replaced with a new design with better engineering.  To read about the new tool:  Trim Wheel Nut Tool - New Design.

Throttle Quadrant Rebuild - Clutch, Motors, and Potentiometers

Captain-side of throttle quadrant showing an overview of the new design.  The clutch assembly, motors, and  string potentiometer can be seen, in addition to a portion of the revised parking brake mechanism

An earlier article, Throttle Quadrant Rebuild – Evolution Has Led to Major Changes has outlined the main changes that have been made to the throttle quadrant during the rebuild process. 

This article will add detail and explain the decision making process behind the changes and the advantages they provide.  As such, a very brief overview of the earlier system will be made followed by an examination of the replacement system.


It is not my intent to become bogged down in infinite detail; this would only serve to make the posts very long, complicated and difficult to understand, as the conversion of a throttle unit is not simplistic.

This said, the provided information should be enough to enable you to assimilate ideas that can be used in your project.  I hope you understand the reasoning for this decision.

The process of documenting the throttle quadrant rebuild will be recorded in a number of articles.  In his article I will discuss the clutch assembly, motors, and potentiometers. 

Why Rebuild The Throttle Quadrant

Put bluntly, the earlier conversion had several problems; there were shortfalls that needed improvement, and when work commenced to rectify these problems, it became apparent that it would be easier to begin again rather than retrofit. Moreover, the alterations spurred the design and development of two additional interface modules that control how the throttle quadrant was to be connected with the simulator.

TIM houses the interface cards responsible for the throttle operation while the TCM provides a communication gateway between TIM and the throttle.

Motor and Clutch Assembly - Poor Design (in previous conversion)

The previous throttle conversion used an inexpensive 12 volt motor to power the thrust lever handles forward and aft.  Prior to being used in the simulator, the motors were used to power electric automobile windows.  To move the thrust lever handles, an automobile fan belt was used to connect to a home-made clutch assembly.

This system was sourly lacking in that the fan belt continually slipped.  Likewise, the nut on the clutch assembly, designed to loosen or tighten the control on the fan belt, was either too tight or too loose - a happy medium was not possible.   Furthermore, the operation of the throttle caused the clutch nut to continually become loose requiring frequent adjustment.

The 12 volt motors, although suitable, were not designed to entertain the precision needed to synchronize the movement of the thrust levers; they were designed to push a window either up or down at a predefined speed on an automobile.

The torque produced from these motors was too great, and the physical backlash when the drive shaft moved was unacceptable.  The backlash transferred to the thrust levers causing the levers to jerk (jump) when the automation took control (google motor backlash).

This system was removed from the throttle.  Its replacement incorporated two commercial motors professionally attached to a clutch system using slipper clutches.

Close up image of the aluminium bar and ninety degree flange attachment.  The long-threaded screw connects with the tail of the respective thrust lever handle. An identical attachment at the end of the screw connects the screw to the large cog wheel that the thrust lever handles are attached

Clutch Assembly, Connection Bars and Slipper Clutches - New Design

Mounted to the floor of the throttle quadrant are two clutch assemblies (mounted beside each other) – one clutch assembly controls the Captain-side thrust lever handle while the other controls the First officer-side. 

Each assembly connects to the drive shaft of a respective motor and includes in its design a slipper clutch.  Each clutch assembly then connects to the respective thrust lever handle.  A wiring lumen connects the clutch assembly with each motor and a dedicated 12 volt power supply (mounted forward of the throttle quadrant).  See above image.

Connection Bars

diagram 1: crossection and a cut-away of a slipper clutch

To connect each clutch assembly to the respective thrust lever handle, two pieces of aluminium bar were engineered to fit over and attach to the shaft of each clutch assembly. 

Each metal bar connects to one of two long-threaded screws, which in turn connect directly with the tail of each thrust lever handle mounted to the main cog wheel in the throttle quadrant. 

Slipper Clutches

close up of slipper clutch showing precision ball bearings

A slipper clutch is a small mechanical device made from tempered steel, brass and aluminum.  The clutch consists of tensioned springs sandwiched between brass plates and interfaced with stainless-steel bearings.  The bearings enable ease of movement and ensure a long trouble-free life.

The adjustable springs are used to maintain constant pressure on the friction plates assuring constant torque is always applied to the clutch.  This controls any intermittent, continuous or overload slip.

A major advantage, other than their small size, is the ease at which the slipper clutches can be sandwiched into a clutch assembly.

Anatomy and Key Advantages of a Slipper Clutch

A number of manufacturers produce slipper clutches that are specific to a particular industry application, and while it's possible that a particular clutch will suit the purpose required, it's probably a better idea to have a slipper clutch engineered that is specific to your application. 

The benefit of having a clutch engineered is that you do not have to redesign the drive mechanism used with the clutch motors.

Key advantages in using slipper clutches are:

  • Variable torque;

  • Long life (on average 30 million cycles with torque applied);

  • Consistent, smooth and reliable operation with no lubrication required;

  • Bi-directional rotation; and,

  • Compact size.

The clutch assembly as seen from the First Officer side of the throttle quadrant.  Note the slipper clutch that is sandwiched between the assembly and the connection rods.  Each thrust lever handle has a dedicated motor, slipper clutch and connection rod.  The motor that powers the F/O side can be seen in the foreground

Clutch Motors

The two 12 Volt commercial-grade motors that provide the torque to drive the clutch assembly and movement of the thrust lever handles, have been specifically designed to be used with drives that incorporate slipper clutches.

In the real world, these motors are used in the railway and marine industry to drive high speed components.  As such, their design and build quality is excellent. The motors are designed and made in South Korea.

Each motor is manufactured from stainless steel parts and has a gearhead actuator that enables the motor to be operated in either forward or reverse.  Although the torque generated by the motor (18Nm stall torque) exceeds that required to move the thrust lever handles forward and aft, the high quality design of the motor removes all the backlash evident when using other commercial-grade motors.  The end result is an extraordinary smooth, and consistent operation when the thrust lever handles move.

A further benefit using this type of motor is its size.  Each motor can easily be mounted to the floor of the throttle quadrant; one motor on the Captain-side and the second motor on the First Officer-side.  This enables a more streamlined build without using the traditional approach of mounting the motors on the forward firewall of the throttle quadrant.

captain-side 12 Volt motor, wiring lumen and dual string potentiometer that control thrust levers

String Potentiometers - Thrust Levers 1/2

Two Bourns dual-string potentiometers have been mounted in the aft section of the throttle unit.  The two potentiometers are used to accurately calibrate the position of each thrust lever handle to a defined %N1 value.  The potentiometers are also used to calibrate differential reverse thrust.

The benefit of using Bourns potentiometers is that they are designed and constructed to military specification, are very durable, and are sealed.  The last point is important as sealed potentiometers will not, unlike a standard potentiometer, ingest dust and dirt.  This translates to zero maintenance.

Traditionally, string potentiometers have been mounted either forward or rear of the throttle quadrant; the downside being that considerable room is needed for the operational of the strings.  

In this build, the potentiometers were mounted on the floor of the throttle housing (adjacent to the motors) and the dual strings connected vertically, rather than horizontally.  This allowed maximum usage of the minimal space available inside the throttle unit.

Automation, Calibration and Movement

The automation of the throttle remains as it was.  However, the use of motors that generate no backlash, and the improved calibration gained from using string potentiometers, has enabled a synchronised movement of both thrust lever handles which is more consistent than previously experienced.

Reverse Thrust 1/2

Micro-buttons were used in the previous conversion to enable enable reverse thrust - reverse thrust was either on or off, and it was not possible to calibrate differential reverse thrust. 

Dual string potentiometer that enables accurate calibration of thrust lever handles and enables differential thrust when reversers are engaged

In the new design, the buttons have been replaced by two string potentiometers (mentioned earlier).  This enables each reverse thrust lever to be accurately calibrated to provide differential reverse thrust.  Additionally, because a string potentiometer has been used, the full range of movement that the reverse thrust is capable of can be used.

The video below demonstrates differential reverse thrust using theProSim737 avionics suite. The first segment displays equal reverse thrust while the second part of the video displays differential thrust.



To correctly position the thrust lever handles in relation to %N1, calibration is done within the ProSim737 avionics software  In calibration/levers, the position of each thrust lever handle is accurately ‘registered’ by moving the tab and selecting minimum and maximum.  Unfortunately, this registration is rather arbitrary in that to obtain a correct setting, to ensure that both thrust lever handles are in the same position with identical %N1 outputs, the tab control must be tweaked left or right (followed by flight testing).

When tweaked correctly, the two thrust lever handles should, when the aircraft is hand-flown (manual flight), read an identical %N1 setting with both thrust levers positioned beside each other.  In automated flight the %N1 is controlled by the interface card settings (Polulu JRK cards or Alpha Quadrant cards).

Have The Changes Been Worthwhile

Comparing the new system with the old is 'chalk and cheese'.  

One of the main reasons for the improvement has been the benefits had from using high-end commercial-grade components.  In the previous conversion, I had used inexpensive potentiometers, unbalanced motors, and hobby-grade material.  Whilst this worked, the finesse needed was not there.

One of the main shortcomings in the previous conversion, was the backlash of the motors on the thrust lever handles.  When the handles were positioned in the aft position and automation was engaged, the handles would jump forward out of sync.  Furthermore, calibration with any degree of accuracy was very difficult, if not impossible. 

The replacement motors have completely removed this backlash, while the use of string potentiometers have enabled the position of each thrust lever handle to be finely calibrated, in so far, as each lever will creep slowly forward or aft in almost perfect harmony with the other.

An additional improvement not anticipated was with the installation of the two slipper clutches.  Previously, when hand-flying there was a binding feeling felt as the thrust lever handles were moved forward or aft.  Traditionally, this binding has been difficult to remove with older-style clutch systems, and in its worst case, has felt as if the thrust lever handles were attached to the ratchet of a bicycle chain.

The use of high-end slipper clutches has removed much of these feeling, and the result is a more or less smooth feeling as the thrust lever handles transition across the throttle arc.

Future Articles

Future articles will address the alterations made to the speedbrake, parking brake lever, and internal wiring, interfacing and calibration.  The rotation of the stab trim wheels and movement of the stab trim indicator tabs will be discussed.

This article is one of several that pertain to the conversion of the OEM throttle quadrant. A summary page with links can be viewed here: OEM Throttle Quadrant


on 2018-04-11 01:08 by FLAPS 2 APPROACH

This article was not able to be published at an earlier time because of issues with confidentiality and potential patents.  The article has been re-written (March 2018). 

Throttle Quadrant Rebuild - Evolution Has Led to Major Alterations

oem 737-500 thrust levers

Two major changes to the simulator have occurred.  The first concerns the throttle quadrant and the second is the replacement of the trial Interface Master Module with a more permanent modular solution.  The changes will be documented in the near future after final testing is complete.

The throttle quadrant has been completely rebuilt from the ground up.  Although the outside may appear identical to the earlier quadrant, the rebuild has replaced nearly everything inside the quadrant and the end product is far more reliable than its predecessor.

The throttle unit, in its previous revision, worked well, but there were several matters which needed attention.  The automation and functionality was adequate, but could be improved upon.  There were also 'niggling' issues with how the clutch assembly operated - it was somewhat loose which caused several flow-on problems.

Initially, some minor improvements were to be made; however, one thing lead to another and as 'fate would have it' the throttle unit has been rebuilt from the bottom up.


The improvements have primarily been to the automation, the autothrottle and the speedbrake system.  However, during the rebuild other functionality have been improved: the synchronised tracking movement of the thrust levers is now more consistent and reliable, and an updated system to operate the parking brake has also been devised.  This system replicates the system used in the real aircraft in which the toe brakes must be depressed before the parking lever can set or disengaged.

Furthermore, the potentiometers controlling the movement of the flaps and thrust levers have been replaced with string potentiometers which increases the throw of the potentiometer and improves accuracy.  The calibration of the flaps and speedbrake is now done within the system, removing the need for 'tricky' calibration in FSUIPC. 

In the previous throttle version there was an issue with the speedbrake not reliably engaging on landing.  This in part was caused by a motor that was not powerful enough to push the lever to the UP position with consistent reliability.  This motor has been replaced with a motor more suitable to the power requirement needed.  The speedbrake is mechanical, mimics the real counterpart in functionality, nd does not require software to operate.

This throttle conversion has maintained the advanced servo card and motor that was used to control the movement of the stab trim tabs (trim indicators); however, the motor that provides the power to rotate the trim wheels has been replaced with a more reliable motor with greater power and torque.  The replacement motor, in conjunction with three speed controller interface cards, have enabled the trim wheels to be rotated at four independent speeds.  This replicates the four speeds that the wheels rotate in the real 737 -800 aircraft.

Finally, the automotive fan-belt system/clutch system which was a chapter from the 'Dark Ages' has been replaced with two mechanical clutch assemblies that has been professionally designed to operate within the throttle unit - this will completely remove any of the 'niggles' with the previous clutch assembly becoming loose and the fan belt slipping.  Each thrust lever has a dedicated poly-clutch and separate high powered motor. 

A brief list of improvements and changes is listed below:

  • Next Generation skirt replaced with more accurate skirt (prototype);

  • Reproduction TO/GA buttons replaced with OEM square TO/GA buttons;

  • Fan belt driven clutch system replaced with slipper clutch system;

  • motors replaced that control lever movement and trim wheels;

  • 95% of wiring re-done to incorporate new interface modules;

  • Replacement interface alert system;

  • Flap potentiometers replaced by string potentiometers;

  • Speedbrake potentiometer replaced by linear potentiometer;

  • Thrust levers potentiometers replaced by dual string potentiometers;

  • Internal mechanism altered to stop noise of chain hitting throttle frame;

  • Thrust lever tracking movement accuracy improved;

  • Thrust reversers now have proportional thrust for each lever 1 and 2; and

  • The parking brake mechanism replaced with a more accurate system that reflects that used in the real aircraft

The conversion of the throttle quadrant has been a learning process, and the changes that have been done improve the unit's functionality and longevity - not too mention accuracy, far beyond what it was previously.

Dedicated Interface Modules

The throttle previously interfaced with the Interface Master Module (IMM).  The IMM was developed as a trial module to evaluate the modular concept.

The throttle quadrant will now directly interface with two dedicated modules called the Throttle Interface Module (TIM) and Throttle Communication Module (TCM).  Both of these modules contain only the interface cards, relays and other components required to operate the throttle and automation.  Additionally, the system incorporates a revised Interface Alert System which evolved from the original concept used in the IMM.

To read more concerning the various interface modules, a new website section has been produced named Interface Modules.  This section is found in the main menu tabs at the top of each page.

Flight Testing (March 2015)

The throttle and replacement interface modules are currently being evaluated and minor issues rectified.

Once testing is complete, the alterations undertaken during the rebuild process will be documented in separate posts and, to facilitate ease of searching, links will be added to the flight controls/throttle quadrant section.

It should be noted that the work done to rebuild the throttle was done with the help a friend, who has a through knowledge of electronics and robotics.

B737 Throttle Quadrant - Automated Thrust Lever Movement

Autothrottle arming switch is a solenoid operated switch clearly identified on the main Instrument Panel (MCP).  The switch is linked to the IAS/MACH speed window (adjacent) and to two A/T disconnect buttons located either side of the throttle lever handles. cp flight pro mcp

In this final post dealing with the conversion of the 737-500 throttle quadrant. I will discuss the automation and movement of the throttle thrust levers and touch on some problems that occurred.  I will also briefly discuss the installation and use of potentiometers.  Part of this post will be repetitive as I briefly discussed automation in an earlier post.

Avoiding Confusion - Automation

To avoid confusion, automation refers only to the movement of the two throttle thrust levers in relation to the %N1 output.  These N1 limits and targets are provided by the Flight Management Computer (FMC) and normally are used by the Autopilot Flight Director System (AFDS) and the Auto Throttle (A/T) to maintain airspeed and/or thrust setting.  

Automation and Movement - Interface Cards

Automation is the use of CMD A or CMD B (autopilot) to control the %N1 outputs from the Autothrottle (logic), and motorization is the moving of the throttle levers in unison with %N1 output.  To achieve this seamlessly, two interface and one controller card are used.

Alpha Quadrant Cards (2):  Each  motor controller card has the automation logic programmed directly to the card (via propriety software).  One card controls Auto Pilot CMD A while the other card controls Autopilot CMD B.

Phidget Advanced Servo Card (2):  This card acts as an interface and bridge between the Alpha Quadrant cards and the flight simulator platform used.

The card does not provide movement for the throttle thrust levers; this is controlled by a Phidget Motor Controller card.

Leo Bodnar BUO 836 A Joystick Controller Card:  This card will register in Windows the movement of levers, buttons and switches on the TQ.  Calibration of this card is done first in Windows, then in Flight Simulator (FSX/P3D), FSUIPC or the avionics suite used; for example, ProSim737.

The interface cards are mounted forward of the MIP within the Throttle Interface Module (TIM) and are connected to the throttle unit by custom VGA straight-through cables and to the computer by a single USB cable.

Main Controller Cards

The controller card I have used is not a Phidget card but a specialist card often used in robotics (Alpha Quadrant card).  The software to program the card has been independently developed by a software engineer and does not utilize Phidgets.

The technology used in the controller card is very similar to that utilized by NASA to control their robotic landers used in the space industry.  The technology is also used to control robots used in the car industry and in other mass production streams.  One of the benefits of the card is that it utilizes a software chip (firmware) that can be easily upgraded, reprogrammed, or replaced.  

The Alpha Quadrant cards provide the logic to operate the throttle automation (the movement of the thrust levers) and act as a bridge between the two cards and the avionics suite.

Being able to program each card allows replication of real aircraft logic and systems.  Whenever possible, these systems and their logic have been faithfully reproduced.

oem throttle. toga switches clearly seen

CMD A/B Autopilot - Two Independent Systems

Most throttle units only use one motor controller card which controls either CMD A or CMD B; whichever autopilot you select is controlled by the same card.  

In the real aircraft to provide for redundancy, each auto pilot system is separate.  This redundancy has been duplicated by using two Alpha Quadrant controller cards, rather than a single card.  Each controller card has been independently programmed and wired to operate on a separate system.  Therefore, although only one CMD is operational at any one time, a completely separate second system is available if CMD A or B is selected on the MCP.

Synchronized or Independent Lever Motorization

Synchronization refers to whether the two throttle thrust levers, based upon separate engine %N1 outputs, move in unison with each other (together) or move independently.

In earlier Boeing aircraft, such as the 707, 727 and 737 classics, the levers were roughly synchronized; however, the Next Generation has as a computer-operated fuel control system which can minutely adjust the %N1 of each engine.  This advanced fuel management can be observed in a real aircraft whereby each throttle lever creeps forward or aft independent of the other lever.

Programming flight simulator to read separate %N1 outputs for each engine, and then extrapolating the data to allow two motors to move the throttle levers independently is possible; however, the outputs are often inaccurate (for varying reasons).  This inaccuracy can often be observed on reproduction throttle units that exhibit a gap between lever one and lever two when automating %N1 outputs.  

It was decided to maintain the older system and have both levers synchronized.  Although this is not replicating the Next Generation system, it does make calibration easier.  If in the future incremental thrust lever movement is required, it’s a matter of adding another 12 Volt motor to the front of the throttle bulkhead to power the second thrust lever.  

Autothrottle activation will advance both thrust levers in unison to the fmc calculated %N1 output

Be aware that although both thrust levers are synchronized, the throttle handles may still show a slight difference in position in relation to each other.  This is caused by the varying tension that needs to be maintained on the fan belt connecting the 12 Volt motor to the mechanical system beneath the thrust levers.

Another aspect to note is that the position of the thrust levers during automation is arbitrary and is a visual representation of the %N1 output; it may or may not reflect the exact position on the throttle arc that the thrust lever would be placed if moved manually (by hand with Autothrottle turned off).  

Although the throttle is automated, manual override (moving the thrust levers by hand) is possible at any time, provided the override is within the constraints of the aircraft logic (programmed into the Alpha Quadrant card), and that provided by the flight avionics (ProSim737).  

Power Requirements and Mechanics

To provide the power to move the throttle thrust levers, a 12 Volt motor previously used to power electric automobile windows, is mounted forward of the throttle bulkhead (see image at bottom of post).  Connected to the motor's pulley is a fan belt that connects to the main pulley located beneath the thrust levers.  To enable the thrust levers to move in unison, a slip clutch, which is part of the main pulley assembly, is used.  

Captain-side TO/GA button is clearly seen below lever handles.  The button at the end of the handle is the Autothrottle disconnect button

ProSim737 Limitations - TO/GA and Auto Throttle Override

Unfortunately, concerning automation the ProSim737 is deficient in two areas: TO/GA and A/T Override.

(A)  TO/GA

In the real aircraft, the flight crew advances the thrust levers to power 40%N1 (or to whatever the airline policy dictates), allows the engines to spool, and then pushes the TO/GA button/s.  Pressing TO/GA causes the throttle to go on-line and to be controlled by the AFDS logic.  The throttle levers then advance automatically to whatever %N1 the logic deems appropriate based on takeoff calculations.

As at the time of writing. If you're using ProSim737, this will NOT occur.  Rather, you will observe the thrust levers retard before they advance (assuming you have moved the thrust levers to %40 N1).  The reason for this is nothing to do with how the throttle is calibrated, FSUIPC or anything else.  ProSim737 software controls the %N1 outputs for the automation of the thrust levers and the developer of the software has not fine-tuned the calibration in the software to take into account real-world avionics logic.  This thread located on the ProSim737 forum provides additional information. 

I have not tested Sim Avionics, but have been told this issue doesn't occur in their avionics suite.

There are two workarounds:  Engage TO/GA from idle (hardly realistic) or push the thrust levers to around 80% N1, allow the engines to spool, then push TO/GA.  Anything less that around 80% N1 will cause the thrust levers to retard before advancing.

Latest ProSim737 release (V133)

The latest version of ProSim737 (V-133) has provided improvement to the above issue.  Throttles can now be advanced to ~60% N1 and TOGA engaged without the throttle levers retarding.  This is possible ONLY if you calibrate the throttle levers within ProSim and allow ProSim to control the throttle output logic.  if you calibrate within FSUIPC then the same issue will apply.

According to ProSim developers, this issue is probably related to the calibration of the ProSim servo output. When you press TO/GA, the current N1 is taken and calculated back to a throttle percentage. This throttle percentage, when combined with the servo calibration data from ProSim results in a servo output. The servo calibration at the moment only has 2 calibration points, which are 0 and 100%. This results in a linear behavior between the two points, while depending on the construction of the throttle, the relationship might be non-linear. This would require a multi point calibration which is hard to do at the moment, because a throttle does not have exact readouts of the current position, so it will be hard to calibrate a 50% point.

This may need improvement in the code to auto calibrate the throttle system.

It's hoped that future release of ProSim737 will rectify this issue.

(B) Autothrottle Manual Override

In the real aircraft, manual override is available to a flight crew and the thrust levers can be retarded with the Autothrottle engaged.  When the flight crew release pressure on the thrust levers the Autothrottle will take control again and return the thrust levers to the appropriate position on the throttle arc dependent upon the speed indicated in the speed window of the MCP.

ProSim737 will not temporarily disconnect (manual override) the Autothrottle.  

At the time of writing, there is no workaround to solve this.


There are many types of potentiometers; the two types most commonly used in flight simulation are the linear and rotary types. Linear potentiometers are inexpensive, often have a +- percentage variance, are compact, have a minimal throw depending upon the size of the device, and are not immune to contaminates building up on their carbon track. 

The last point is worth mentioning, as it is wrongly assumed that a potentiometer will remain correctly calibrated for the life of the unit.  General wear and tear, dust, and other debris will accumulate on the potentiometer; any of which may cause calibration and accuracy problems.  Keeping the potentiometers free of dust is important.

Rotary potentiometers (which may have a string attached) are very accurate, are in a sealed case and have very minimum chance of contamination. They are also made too exacting standards, are larger in size, and are expensive.

To read further about potentiometers

QAMP secured to base of throttle unit.  Thumb screws are visible on each corner of the plate.  A possible add on modification to reduce the risk of dust contamination to the potentiometers is a plastic cover that fits over the plate (a lunch box)

Calibration of Potentiometers

The main method of calibrating the position of the thrust levers is by calibrating the potentiometer in Windows, then in FSX followed by fine tuning in FSUIPC (if needed).  

At the moment I am using linear potentiometers; therefore, at some stage cleaning or replacement may be required.   The 737 throttle quadrant is not cavernous and only certain sized potentiometers will fit into the unit; this combined with other parts and wiring means that the potentiometers are often inaccessible without removing other components.  

To allow speedier access to the potentiometers, a Quick Assess Mounting Plate was designed.

quick access mounting plate (QAMP). four linear potentiometers are mounted to the plate. Two grub screws secure the plate to the throttle chassis

Quick Access Mounting Plate (QAMP)

The potentiometers are mounted directly onto a custom-made aluminum plate that is attached to the inside of the throttle unit by solid thumb screws.   To access the plate, the side inspection cover of the throttle is removed (a few screws) followed by turning the thumb screws on the access plate.  This releases the plate.

A similar plate has been designed and constructed for use with the stand-by potentiometer that controls the flaps.  A more detailed picture of the QAMP can be seen here..

Below is a video showing the movement of the thrust levers with the autothrottle engaged recorded during a test flight. 


Teething Issues with the Throttle Conversion

It was envisaged that more problems would have surfaced than have occurred.  The major issues are outlined below:

(A) Trim Wheels

An early problem encountered was that the trim wheels when engaging generated considerable noise.  After checking through the system, it was discovered that the two-speed rotation of the trim wheels were causing the two nuts that hold each of the trim wheels in place to become loose.  This in turn caused the trim wheels to wobble  slightly generating undue noise.  


Tighten the two nuts at the end of the rod that holds the two trim wheels in place.

(B) Flaps 5 Not Engaging

The problem with the flaps 5 micro-button has been discussed in an earlier post.  To summarize, when you moved the flaps lever to flaps 5 the correct flaps were not selected on the aircraft or registered on the PoKeys 55 interface card.  Several hours were spent checking connections, micro-buttons, wiring and the custom VGA cables that connect the flaps section of the quadrant to the appropiate interface module; the problem could not be discovered.  


One of the two Belkin powered hubs located within the IMM had been replaced with another powered unit.  It appears the problem was that the replacement hub had too low a voltage, as a replacement with a higher voltage solved the problem.

(C) Throttle Thrust Levers Not Synchronizing (A/T on)

The two thrust levers of the quadrant did not synchronize when the Auto Throttle (A/T) was engaged; one lever would always be ahead or behind of the other.  At other times they would split apart (do the splits) when A/T was engaged.  


The problem was easily solved by altering the tension on the slip clutch nut.  When the nut was  tightened, both levers moved together as one unit.  The secret was finding the appropriate torque.

(D) Throttle Thrust Levers Difficult To Move in Manual Mode (A/T Off)

The ability to move the thrust levers in manual mode (Autothrottle turned off) was not fluid and the levers occasionally snagged or were sticky when trying to move them.  

The fan belt is barely visible linking the pulley of the motor to the main pulley inside the quadrant

This is caused by the fan belt not moving smoothly through the groove of the pulley wheel.   The Autothrottle when engaged overrides any stickiness due to the power and torque of the Auto Throttle motor.


Unfortunately, there isn’t a lot you can do to rectify this issue as it’s a by-product of using a mechanical system in which the fan belt is central to the consistent operation of the unit.  

The conundrum is that if you tighten the fan belt too much you will be unable to manually move the thrust levers as they will be exceptionally stiff and difficult to move (as you are pushing against the tension of the fan belt); however, if you loosen the fan belt too much, although the levers will move fluidly by hand, the fan belt may not have enough tension to move the levers when Auto throttle is engaged.  It’s a matter of compromise; selecting an appropriate in-between tension to allow acceptable manual and Autothrottle operation.

A more reliable method is to use a small gearbox, a simple slip clutch and a coupler to connect to the spur gear.  Another option is to use an electrical system.

Further thought needs to be done in this area before a decision is made to replace the fan belt system.  If a new system is incorporated, the change-out will be documented in a future post.


Despite some of the shortcomings to this conversion, in particular the mechanical fan belt system, the throttle unit shows a marked improvement on the earlier 300 series conversion. 

Since the project began there has been three throttle conversions, and wth each conversion has built upon knowledge learnt from earlier conversions.  Initially there was the 737-300 conversion in 2012, which was converted in a rudimentary way and only operated in manual mode.  This was followed by the conversion of the 737-500 throttle in 2016.  This throttle was then rebuilt and upgraded in 2017.

Further Information

  • A summary of the articles that address the conversion of the 737-500 series throttle quadrant conversion, and the rebuild and update can be found in Flight Controls/Throttle Quadrant.

Acronyms and Glossary

  • AFDS - Autopilot Flight Director system

  • A/T – Autothrottle

  • CMD A/B - Autopilot on/off for system A or system B

  • Flight Avionics Software - Sim Avionics, ProSim737 or similar

  • FMC - Flight Management Computer

  • MCP - Main Control Panel

  • QAMP – Quick Access Mounting Plate

  • Throttle Arc – The arc of the thrust levers from the end of the blocks to fully forward.  The term refers to the curved piece of aluminum that the throttle levers are moved along

  • TO/GA - Takeoff Go-around switch

  • %N1 -  Very simply explained, %N1 is throttle demand and as N1 (and N2) spin at absurdly high speeds, it is easier to simply reference a percentage and display that to the crew. It's much easier for our brains to interpret a value on a scale of 0-100% rather than tens of thousands of RPM 

B737 Throttle Quadrant - Parking Brake Mechanism

oem 737-500 parking brake lever and light

This post we will briefly discuss the conversion of the parking brake mechanism, and a video will demonstrate the solenoid engaging to move the lever within the mechanism.   The function of the parking brake is self-explanatory.

Parking Brake - Solenoid Auto Release

The parking brake can be engaged or disengaged by either engaging (lifting) or disengaging (pushing down) the park lever, or by depressing the toe brakes located on the rudder pedals. 

In the real aircraft, mechanical linkages and a cam disengage the parking brake.  A solenoid has been installed to replicate this in the simulator.

Interfacing with Flight Simulator

To use the solenoid, a relay card (on/off) and standard toggle-style switch is used.  The relay card is mounted in the Trial Interface Master Module (IMM) and connection from the throttle to the IMM is via a straight-through custom VGA cable. Any brand relay card will do this job.

Red Bulb

The red light is illuminated by a 28 Volt bayonet-style light bulb.  The bulb can be downgraded to 12 Volts; however, the illumination produced will not be as bright as if a 28 volt bulb was used. 

Spring, Solenoid and Toggle

The operation of the park brake lever revolves around four items:

  1. A long rod that connects from the lower section of the park lever to the toggle switch;

  2. A standard on/off toggle-style switch;

  3. A solenoid;

  4. A high tensile spring; and,

  5. A relay card.

parking brake Solenoid attached to port side firewall of throttle unit

When the park brake lever is pushed down or pulled up a corresponding movement of the long rod occurs.  Connected to the lower part of the rod is a standard-style toggle switch and a spring.  The spring is attached to the base of the throttle unit.  Movement of the rod causes the toggle to either be switched on or off (up/down), while the spring provides the tension for the automatic movement of the park lever to occur when the solenoid is energized (the lever is pulled downwards to the disengaged position).  A relay card is connected to the solenoid to control the timing that the solenoid receives power.

Toe Brakes Activation of Park Brake

As in the real aircraft, the parking brake can be released by the pilot depressing the toe brakes. 

There are  two methods commonly used to connect the toe brakes to the release of the park brake lever and parking brakes.  

The first (and easiest) method uses a Phidget 0/0/4 (1014_1) relay card and logic from within FSX or the avionics software (ProSim737), while the second method is a standalone closed system that can be implemented using a double-throw relay and a momentary switch; the switch being specific to the park brake.  For simplicity, I have incorporated the first method into the simulator as ProSim737 and FSX already provide a software solution to release the parking brakes.

Below is a short video showing how the parking brake mechanism operates.


737 throttle parking brake mechanism


In the next and final post regarding the throttle conversion, we will inspect the movement of the thrust levers during engagement of the Autothrottle (A/T) and discuss some of the teething issues with the throttle conversion.


on 2017-06-26 06:40 by FLAPS 2 APPROACH

In June 2015, this mechanism was replaced with a more reliable system that replicates how the system operates in the real Boeing aircraft.  The system now in place is purely mechanical and does not rely on ProSim-AR for operation (other than registration of the movement of the parking brake lever).